International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia

IAH Congress MAR activities and heads up on ISMAR10 and ISMAR11

Tuesday 4 September, 2018

IAH Congress Daejeon, Korea, 9-14 Sept 2018 has the theme : GROUNDWATER AND LIFE : Science and Technology into Action. One topic, T4.4, is dedicated to Managed Aquifer Recharge. On Tues 11th there will be 2 sessions in this theme with a total of 10 papers being presented. On Monday 10th late afternoon there will be a Plenary of the IAH-MAR Commission. At least one new working group is being proposed – on mapping of MAR opportunities, and of course there will be information sharing by all who wish to attend. All are welcome.

ISMAR10, Madrid, 20-24 May 2019 will be our Commission’s special conference and the call for papers will be coming out very soon with abstracts due by 1 November.

The Commission is now opening its doors to applications for ISMAR11 in 2022. This is a heads up and the process will be outlined after the IAH Congress, with proposals due by January 2019 for decision making by the selection committee (that involves IAH, UNESCO and ASCE) for announcement at ISMAR10. Anyone considering developing a proposal, please contact Peter Dillon in the first instance.

Also at ISMAR10 there will be an election for co-chairs of IAH-MAR and if you are interested in standing, please give consideration as two co-chairs will be retiring. Further information will be disseminated.

Peter Dillon

Co-chair, IAH-MAR

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