IAH Groundwater Awards

The AGC NZHS 2023 Conference dinner unveiled the recipients of the IAH Groundwater Awards. These exceptional individuals, with their noteworthy contributions and innovative projects, have made a profound impact on the groundwater community. Let’s extend our applause for their outstanding achievements and significant contributions to the groundwater industry. Winners were: Groundwater Professional: Ian Cartwright and […]

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Indigenous Groundwater Declaration

We welcome all International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) members to sign an Indigenous Groundwater Declaration to acknowledge, champion and support through actions for the betterment of including and respecting Indigenous knowledge in groundwater activities, deliberations, decisions and policies. This Declaration will be the first of its kind within the international groundwater community. Indigenous people’s long […]

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Calls for more groundwater experts in the field

Australia’s future growth is closely aligned to good resources management, and water is top of the list. This is underpinning a growing shortage of groundwater scientists and engineers. The demand is rising, with the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) reporting a recent spike in organisations across Australia reporting difficulties in recruiting groundwater […]

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Hydrogeology aid in Nepal

IAH NSW and Australia supporting Ellen Kwantes’ hydrogeology aid works in Nepal Ellen Kwantes, the Australian Volunteers Program (AVP) and IAH are providing hydrogeology aid for an important project in the Kathmandu Valley. Ellen is an Associate Hydrogeologist working in Sydney and a committee member of IAH NSW. She recently started a remote assignment with […]

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Abstract submission extended for 48th IAH Congress

48th IAH Congress – Brussels Belgium IAH International are excited to confirm that the 48th Congress “Inspiring Groundwater” will take place in Brussels Belgium over five days between September 6th to 10th 2021. Abstract submission has been extended to April 21st and can be submitted through the IAH2021 website https://iah2021belgium.org/abstracts/. Registration is also open https://iah2021belgium.org/registration/ […]

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‘Valuing Water’, which is the theme of this year’s United Nations World Water Development Report. Valuing water extends beyond issues of price: it also takes into account the environmental, social, and cultural value people place on water. Find our more with about protecting our valuable resource with the World Water Development Report 2021. https://www.worldwaterday.org/ https://www.unwater.org/publication_categories/world-water-development-report […]

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In Memoriam – Frans Kalf (1946-2021)

On 7 February 2021, the Australian hydrogeology community lost a pioneer. Frans Robert Peter Kalf died that day, after enduring a long battle with myeloma for much of the past decade, although he kept his illness quiet until the last couple of years. His specialty was mathematical geology, which morphed naturally into groundwater modelling. In […]

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Managed aquifer recharge in WA (2021)

  The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has revised its managed aquifer recharge (MAR) policy and developed a supporting guideline, to inform the community. The revised policy – Managed aquifer recharge in Western Australia (2021) replaces Operational policy 1.01 – Managed aquifer recharge in Western Australia (Department of Water, 2011) and earlier practices for MAR operations […]

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Gender in the Groundwater Sector Survey

Socio – Hydrogeology IAH is making last calls for the gender and groundwater survey, which aims to obtain gender-specific information for people working in the groundwater sector. Your feedback will assist in whether – or to what extent – there is gender sensitivity for people working in the groundwater sector. The survey is available in […]

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IAH Council elects Sarah Bourke

The Council of IAH was appointed by election online in September 2020. IAH is excited to announce, Sarah Bourke, our WA Chairperson was elected Vice President for Australasia and the Pacific, and will take on the new IAH Council leadership role for the next 4 years. Sarah Bourke Vice President – Australasia and the Pacific, AUSTRALIA […]

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Call for papers – Special issue, Watershed Ecology and the Environment

The Journal of Watershed Ecology and Hydrology is a new journal published by KeAi – a joint venture between Elsevier and China Science and Publishing Media Ltd. They’re planning for a special issue on the catchment-scale hydrological modelling, including: Catchment-scale models Model uncertainty Urban catchment hydrology Water resource models Hydro power impacts Flood modelling Integrated […]

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