IAH-NSW November Meeting

IAH-NSW proudly presents Professor David K. Kreamer (Uiversity of Nevada, Las Vegas). Professor Kreamer is also the Vice President of North America, International Association of Hydrogeologists and President of Universities Council on Water Resources. His presentation will spring preservation. The springs in Grand Canyon National Park are the focus of wildlife in an arid environment, Native […]

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IAH-NSW Student Night 2014

Another October and another exciting night for young students to share their work with all. This year, we have two, very impressive presentations by Sarah Taylor, PhD student from the University of Sydney, and Juan Carlos Castilla, PhD student form UNSW. Sarah will present a talk titled ‘A hydrogeochemical study of shallow saline groundwater in […]

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Information for members about the recent suspension email

Recently an email from Sharon Warden advised a number of the IAH members of their suspended membership as a result of not renewing in 2014. Unfortunately the list of these individuals had some discrepancies, hence, some paid members were in receipt of this email. For more information on this matter and how to take appropriate […]

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IAH-NSW monthly meeting:The NSW Aquifer Interference Policy: From the eyes of a regulator

NSW friends, most of you remember very well one of our biggest ever audience was gathered to hear Dr Noel Merrick’s presentation on Aquifer Interference Policy, when it was being produced and reviewed. This time, Mitchell Isaacs (who oversees the NSW Office of Water’s review and assessment of major developments),  will provide his views on what the […]

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IAH-NSW Regional Meeting: 22nd July, Dubbo

IAH NSW proudly presents our 2014 Regional talk by Prof Andy Baker, Director of the Connected Waters Initiative Research Centre, UNSW. This talk will present research results from his research team working in Central West NSW. The research utilises bore hole transects and bore fields in the Wellington region, funded through the Groundwater Education Investment Fund. Held […]

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The Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 in Newcastle (AESC)

The Geological Society of Australia invites you to participate in the Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 in Newcastle. With a keynote presentation by Mr George Gates PSM on “groundwater requirements for a mining or coal seam gas application”, and a specialised set of topics to address hydrogeological matters of interest, AESC is set to offer great insight. More […]

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IAH-NSW Elders Q&A Night

Dear IAH-NSW friends, we are proud to host another Elders Night with distinguished panel members: Col Dudgeon, Chris Jewell and Peter Smith. Our 2014 panel covers consultancy, academia, and contaminant hydrogeology to yet again display the level of variety in this profession. But wait! This is not all we have in store for you. As is IAH  tradition, we […]

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IAH-NSW McEllhiney Lecture, 2014:Groundwater spreadsheets

IAH-NSW members and friends, Join us on Tuesday 13th May for an immensely practical and educational McEllhiney Lecture. Carlos Molano will show how one can use spreadsheets to solve a wide range of groundwater problems without programing or complex mathematics. Please not that due to an expected higher number of audience for this lecture,  AECOM […]

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IAH-NSW Monthly presentation 8th April

Dear IAH NSW friends, please join us on the 8th of April to attend Mr Mahdi Zoorabadi’s presentation on ‘Hydraulic conductivity of jointed rocks: New estimation approach and new insights into the field tests’. Rock discontinuities play a significant role in the circulation of water through jointed rocks, while the geometrical characteristics of joints control […]

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A two-day Workshop on Aquifers, Aqutards & Mining

This two-day workshop co-presented by the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and the Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices at the University of New South Wales, will give an overview of innovative techniques, including vertical permeability testing at core-bore-formation scale, geocentrifuge physical modelling, solute and isotope applications for aquitards, ITRAX core scanning, wireline […]

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IAH-NSW Technical Monthly Presentation, 11th March

Dear IAH members, we are thrilled to confirm that on the 11th of March Dr Sarah Bennett will be presenting her work on the impact of climate change on deep drainage. Deep drainage is considered as the main cause of secondary salinity in Australia. The results of her study show potential for climate change to increase […]

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Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 – Newcastle

The Geological Society of Australia presents the Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014. AESC 2014 will be held in Newcastle, based around the themes of energy, basin geology, geodynam­ics, resources the environment, the geological record of life, and the role of the Earth Sciences in the community. Dedicated symposia include the 39th Symposium on the Advances in […]

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IAH-NSW Monthly talk: ‘Data-Centric Groundwater Modelling: Quantifying Uncertainty in Groundwater Predictions’

Dear IAH friends, With our heartiest wishes for a happy and successful 2014, IAH NSW proudly presents the first technical meeting of this year; a presentation by George Mathews, a Senior Researcher at the Control and Signal Processing Research Group. George will talk about a collaborative project by Department of primary Industry (in particular NSW Office of Water) and […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter End of the Year Note!

Dear IAH-NSW friends, We held the last technical talk of 2013 on the 12th November. We had a busy 2013 and are all buckled-up for an even busier 2014. Since we’d love to end  2013 posts on a positive note, let’s have a look at our recipients of the Young Professional Award (YPA) in 2013. Ms Ellen Kwantes  (from PB) […]

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CSG Groundwater Monitoring Communications Survey

This survey has been prepared as part of an overall study examining the following two hypotheses:   Groundwater monitoring information, if comprehensive, accurate and suitably presented, can alleviate community and regulatory concerns about groundwater impacts from CSG operations. The current level of scientific research is addressing community and regulatory concerns about impacts from CSG extraction. […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter: Braddon Site Remediation

Dear IAH friends, Our next and last technical talk for this calendar year will be by Dino Parisotto director of Earth2Water to be presented on 12 November 2013. With over 20 years experience in contaminated land investigations, assessment, management and remediation, Dino will discuss the works undertaken and the outcomes achieved at the former service station […]

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IAH-NSW Proudly Presents: 2013 Student Night

Dear IAH-NSW friends, on October 15th we proudly present our  student presenters for 2013. Richard Rosendorff an Honours student from UNSW, will present his talk on “Identification of fractures in the Hawkesbury Sandstone using Ground-Penetrating Radar’. Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-invasive geophysical technique that allows for imaging of the shallow sub-surface. There has been […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter 2013 Darcy Lecture

Dear IAH friends, IAH NSW and the Engineers Australia Sydney Division Water Engineering Panel proudly present the 2013 Darcy Lecture, with a presentation by Professor David L. Rudolph, a geological engineer in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Professor Rudolph  will be talking on the matter of managing Groundwater Beneath […]

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IAH-NSW : Young Professional Award 2013

Dearest IAH-NSW friends, We are delighted to announce our second round of Young Professional Award is now open for nominations. This year you can take initiative and nominate yourself! So what are you waiting for? If you are a young professional in the field of hydrogeology and meet the Criteria for nomination, lay your fingers on […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter/Regional Meeting: Guidance for Groundwater Storage Utilisation

Dear friends, it’s time for our regional meeting 2013. This year Wagga is where we’ll gather to attend a talk by Scott Lawson, Senior Hydrogeologist at Geoscience Australia. Hope to see you all on Tuesday 18th June 2013. for more information on the talk and the venue click here. […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter Elders Q&A Night

Dear IAH members and friends, The annual ‘Elders Q&A Night’ event will be held on Tuesday 4 June 2013. This year’s panellists are Peter Dundon, George Gates and Ross Best. They will share their experience and their life story with us. We will also present the Woolley award (our lifetime achievement award) to an experienced […]

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SEAWAT and the Salt Lake Benchmark Test

Dear IAH members, our next IAH-NSW technical talk is presented by Mr. David Garces on the 9th of April. David is a hydrogeologist/ groundwater modeler with more than 15 years of experience in various fields of water and groundwater engineering in Colombia, United States, Canada, and Australia. This particular talk goes back to the days […]

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On the 12th March, Dr. Noel Merrick provided a simplified representation of the requirements for groundwater assessments in relation to NSW Aquifer Interference Policy (AIP). He used a series of diagrams to explain the meaning of AIP criteria and methods suggested on how these can be assessed. Now you can see this very popular presentation which […]


Professor John Sharp; Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?

International  specialist Dr. John Sharp , Professor of Geology at University of Texas presented his talk on “Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?”  as NSW first technical talk of 2013.  His talk  expanded on the current laboratory and field techniques for characterisation of fractures and fracture networks in […]

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IAH NSW Technical Meeting-12th March

This is a reminder for the IAH NSW next talk by Dr Noel Merrick, on Tuesday, 12th March 2013, on the very current topic “How does aquifer interference policy affect groundwater assessments”.  The talk will provide simplified representation of the requirements for groundwater assessments in relation to NSW Aquifer Interference Policy (AIP).  A series of diagrams will be presented […]

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First Technical Talk of 2013 – NSW

Hello IAH-NSW members. We are starting the year with a  technical talk by visiting international  specialist Dr. John Sharp , Professor of Geology at University of Texas on the topic “Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?”. The talk will expand on the current laboratory and […]

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An Improved Time-Series Approach for Estimating Groundwater Recharge from Groundwater Level Fluctuations

Dr. Mark Cuthbert from National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) presented his work on  “an improved time-series approach for estimating groundwater recharge from groundwater level fluctuations” in an IAH-NSW technical meeting. It  received positive feedback and can be viewed here. […]

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