2015 Darcy Lecture in Victoria – What Happens in the Pore, No Longer Stays in the Pore: Opportunities Limitations for Porous Media Characterisation and Process Quantification Using X-ray Tomography

Abstract: During this presentation, you will receive an overview of the current state of imaging of porous media systems—and processes taking place within them—using x-ray tomography, a technique that allows for three-dimensional observation and measurement of variables internal to an otherwise opaque object. Gain insight on how x-ray tomography has advanced to the point where […]

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New Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website for bore applications

In April 2015 the Department of Environment, Land, Water  and Planning (DELWP) will launch an online service to apply for domestic and stock, investigation and observation water bore construction and decommission licences and have them issued on the spot in most cases.  This service is designed for use by the general public as well as […]

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Victorian IAH Branch December Presentation and Christmas Function

  Salinity in the Murray-Darling Basin: mirage or sleeping dragon? Abstract The salinity threat posed to land and water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin was at the forefront of water policy and management initiatives throughout much of the second half of the 20th Century.  In response to the salinity threat, monitoring and works programs have […]

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Victorian IAH Branch submission regarding the Victorian Water Bill Exposure Draft

Water Law Review The Victorian Government is carrying out a comprehensive review of Victoria’s water laws to deliver a streamlined and effective legislative framework for water management and use in Victoria. Water Minister Peter Walsh appointed an expert Advisory Panel with legal and water industry experience to oversee the review and make recommendations. Water Bill […]

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IAH/AIG 2014 Fieldtrip: Ballarat Area

AIG and IAH invite you to attend this year’s joint field trip to be held on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th November 2014. The trip will examine aspects of the hydrogeology, geology and mine and municipal water management in the Ballarat area. There will be a combination of all four topics on each day and […]

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Thirty-five years of groundwater modelling: from regional aquifer systems, to impacts of mining, CSG and nuclear testing

Dr Lloyd Townley – Principal Environmental and Water Engineer, CDM Smith, Perth WA Whenever we need to predict the behaviour of hydrogeological systems, at almost any scale, there are few alternatives to modelling.  Modelling has limitations, but modelling provides a framework for integrating what we know and for testing hypotheses. Modelling allows us to predict […]

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Upcoming Groundwater Shortcourses in Melbourne

IAH Victoria is pleased to promote 2 Groundwater Shortcourses to be held in Melbourne in August and November. IAH members receive discounts on the attendance fees for both of the following courses: Groundwater Fundamentals One Day Short Course (with a Two Day option for practical tutorials) Location: Hotel Ibis in Melbourne Date: Thursday 28th August […]

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Development of a MAR scheme – Learnings from City West Water

Attila Gaal (CWW) Abstract Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is a challenging form of Managed Aquifer Recharge and is currently emerging as a new industry in Victoria. ASR constitutes one of the cornerstones of the Alternative Water program at City West Water. Over the last 5 years this program has grown from feasibility studies to […]

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VIC IAH Technical Presentation: Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: key questions, new methods and a response curve

The Victorian IAH branch is pleased to present the 2014 Distinguised Lecturer Series titled “Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: Key questions, new methods and a reponse curve” by Professor Derek Eamus from the University of Technology, Sydney. Further details can be found in the attached flyer. Come Join Us Tuesday 6 May, 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start Jacobs (formerly […]

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What can Australia learn from western U.S. groundwater law and policy?

The western US and Australia face the twin challenges of providing water to support consumptive and environmental values in the context of frequent water scarcity. They also have broadly comparable cultures, legal systems and levels of development. States in Australia and the western US have pursued different elements of, and approaches to, common groundwater sustainability […]

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The Early Career Hydrogeologists’ ‘Coolest Paper of 2013’ competition

Have you read a paper about hydrogeology that made you jump out of your seat this year? What was the piece of science that really inspired you with its originality, creativity, thoroughness or downright coolness? Here’s your chance to have a say, in the inaugural ‘Coolest hydrogeology paper of the year’ competition, run by the […]

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IAH Submission – Victoria Water Law Review

The Victorian Government is undertaking a comprehensive review of Victoria’s water laws to deliver a streamlined and effective legislative framework for water management and use in Victoria. […]

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Its that time of year again: Renew your membership today

We’d love for you to remain part of the IAH, so why not renew now? Existing members can continue to take advantage of the services your IAH Membership provides, whether it be participating in technical seminars, attending the IAH Congress, networking opportunities or simply having access to the latest technical information through publications like the […]

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IAH 2014 Inaugural Presentation: Hydrogeological constraints on remediation of contaminants

Jeff Paul has almost 40 years of professional experience in the field of environmental remediation. Specialising in non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) he has directed, performed, reviewed and optimised site closure remediation projects in over 60 countries – including a number in the Australasian region. A certified Geologist with an honours degree in Geology from the […]

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IAH Christmas Break-up and Presentation: Leading Practice Framework for Coal Seam Gas Development in Australia

Come and join us for our annual Christmas breakup and presentation by Louise Lennon from SKM titled “Leading Practice Framework for Coal Seam Gas Development in Australia”. Food and drink to follow the presentation. Come Join us 10th December 2014 5:30 pm for a 6 pm start. Sinclair Knight Merz Level 16, 452 Flinders Lane, […]

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VIC IAH Branch Field Trip 2013: The Lake Connewarre

IAH and AIG invite you to attend this year’s inaugural joint field trip to be held on Saturday November 23rd 2013. The trip will explore the hydrogeology and geomorphology of the lower Barwon River, through a guided tour of sites along this internationally protected wetland complex. Topics will include the geological, geomorphological and hydrological evolution […]

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VIC IAH Branch Student Night

A night for students to showcase their hydrogeological work Speakers Sanjeeva Manamperi (La Trobe University): ‘Impacts of episodic flooding on groundwater resources in the Loddon system, Victoria’ Nic Unland (Monash University): ‘Tracing the age, origins and hydrodynamics of groundwater surface water exchange’ Stephen Lee (RMIT): “Investigating salinity sources and variation throughout flow system changes in […]

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IAH VIC – 2013 Darcy Lecture: Managing Groundwater Beneath the Agricultural Landscape

Agricultural land use represents the largest nonpoint source threat to groundwater quality on a global scale. As a result of decades of fertilizer application and surface spreading of animal manure, chronic increases in nutrient concentrations have been documented in both private and municipal well systems. The occurrence of pathogenic microbes in groundwater supply wells has […]

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The use and abuse of the precautionary principle

The NSW Protection of the Environment Administration Act (PEAA) 1991, provides the following definition of the Precautionary Principle (PP): “If there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reasoning for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation.” The PP is routinely applied in Groundwater […]

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Darwin Seminar

The McEllhiney Lecture along with a seminar of local talks took place in Darwin on the 24th of June. Attendance was good and an enjoyable time was had by all. Copies of some of the talks are now available in pdf format. More to follow when available. The NT Government’s unconventional hydrocarbons policy… Alan Holland Investigating […]

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Posted in NT

McEllhiney Lecture – Keeping the Pump Primed: Aquifer Sustainability

How will your groundwater resources fare in the future and how will that affect your business? How can we ensure the sustainability of our aquifers through sound science? How should groundwater contractors and scientists confront economic and political challenges affecting the resource that is pivotal to the success of their businesses? How is “sustainability” defined […]

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Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) flow in basalt

The western suburbs of Melbourne (Australia) are underlain by a thick sequence of Cenozoic age basalt rocks (Newer Volcanics Province). Historically, most industrial development occurred in these suburbs, which resulted in several contaminant plumes developing within the area. For the purpose of environment protection, an understanding of groundwater and contaminant movement has been the focus […]

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Bridging the gap between groundwater users, decision makers and science

This meeting was held at Golburn-Murray, Tatura on the 30th of April. PDF copies of the presentation will soon be available, via links at the bottom of this post. Scientists are often challenged with trying to convey a technical message to a layman audience, who are often the decision makers. At this IAH meeting three […]

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Recharging potable aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin using treated coal seam gas water

Santos GLNG Project is a pioneering project to convert coal seam gas (CSG) to liquefied natural gas for export to global markets, representing a major investment in a cleaner energy source for the future. Santos GLNG Project sources gas from Santos’ gas fields in the Bowen and Surat Basins in Queensland. During the Santos GLNG […]

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Landfill gas effects on groundwater

In the United States, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are commonly monitored at landfill sites because they are indicators of impacts on groundwater .  Groundwater impacts at landfills can result from waste in contact with water (leachate), infiltration of water through waste into groundwater (leachate); or landfill gas migration followed by contact with groundwater.  Because both […]

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2nd Australian & New Zealand FEFLOW User Group Meeting

FEFLOW has a long history of application in Australia and New Zealand. It counts over 100 active installations across the mining, engineering and government sectors and is one of the most widely used groundwater software packages across Australia and New Zealand. DHI are inviting interested colleagues to attend the 2nd Australian and New Zealand FEFLOW […]

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WA 2012 AGM and Student Night

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — time for the National and Western Australian chapter’s annual general meeting and student night.  Come along and devour a delicious free meal, learn about what’s been going on last year and prospects for 2013, vote for next year’s officers, and be entertained and educated by research […]

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IAH Victorian Chapter Christmas Party and Progress of the Murray Darling Basin Plan – Victoria’s Perspective Presentation

The Murray Darling Basin Plan will see the biggest changes to water management in the Basin since Federation. The Basin Plan aims to deliver a “healthy working basin” in which “the natural ecosystem has been altered by the use of water for human benefit, but in which the altered system retains its ecological integrity while […]

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Mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide in basalt: a pre-injection overview of the CarbFix project

This entry is a cross-post for the Geological Society of Australia.  The talk is likely to be of great interest to hydrogeologists! The GSA-WA Division is hosting a talk on 7 November 2012 at the Irish Club of WA, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco.  The speaker will be Domenik Wolff-Boenisch  from Curtin University, and he will be […]

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Successful outcomes of the Secure Allocation, Future Entitlement (SAFE) project

FREE HYDROGEOLOGICAL DATA – have I got your attention! Successful outcomes of the Secure Allocation, Future Entitlement (SAFE) project. Chris McAuley is the Principal Hydrogeologist with the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria.  Over the past 3 years, Chris has led the National Water Commission funded Secure Allocation, Future Entitlement (SAFE) project.  The SAFE project […]

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Qanats: An old Persian technology in groundwater supply

At the Irish Club, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco, Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 5:30pm for 6pm start Qanats are underground conduits which collect the water from an unconfined aquifer on the slope of a hill and exploit the natural gradient of the land to transport groundwater to the surface. They have been supplying water as one of […]

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Student Night – Victorian IAH Division

A selection of student talks showcasing the current groundwater research at the universities in Melbourne Tuesday 2 October 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start Fritz Loewe Lecture, Department of Earth Sciences University of Melbourne Refreshments provided Josh Dean La Trobe University – Influence of vegetation and fire on groundwater chemistry Alex Atkinson Monash University […]

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Groundwater investigations in palaeovalleys in WA – implications for the mining industry and the environment

The IAH invite all members to attend a jointly sponsored (AIG, GSA, ASEG, AusIMM and IAH) presentation of findings of investigations in to unravelling the hidden groundwater resources of the Paterson and Murchison provinces of Western Australia. Pauline English of Geoscience Australia will discuss the application of diverse techniques including  gravity, AEM, radiometrics, topographic models, […]

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Groundwater investigations in palaeovalleys in WA – implications for the mining industry and the environment

The IAH invite all members to attend a jointly sponsored (AIG, GSA, ASEG, AusIMM and IAH) presentation of findings of investigations in to unravelling the hidden groundwater resources of the Paterson and Murchison provinces of Western Australia. Pauline English of Geoscience Australia will discuss the application of diverse techniques including  gravity, AEM, radiometrics, topographic models, drilling, bore installation and water […]

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Coal Seam Gas –The Real Water Management Issues Here in NSW

John Ross graduated from the University of NSW in the mid 1970s with a degree in geology and has spent the last 35 years in hydrogeology. His career has spanned water resource, water policy, contaminated site and infrastructure projects both nationally and overseas in Asia. He has worked for the NSW Government, several environmental consultancies […]

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Call for abstracts: 2013 IAH Congress

The 40th International Congress of the IAH will be hosted in Perth between 15 and 20 September, 2013. Themed ‘Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century’, the 2013 Congress will provide a showcase for the international groundwater industry. Globally, the groundwater industry will face substantial challenges this century. These issues need solutions and in many […]

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Centrifugal multi-stage pumps for harsh downhole environments

The IAH invite all members and interested parties to attend a presentation designed to provide a high level introduction to  centrifugal pumping technologies, detailing a number of specific case studies where deployment of such systems in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea has provided enhanced performance, improved reliability and extended runlife in some of the most challenging […]

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New Australian groundwater modelling guidelines

In a subject near to my heart, new Australian groundwater modelling guidelines have been released.  They were prepared by Sinclair Knight Merz and a committee from the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training — most of the committee are IAH members. The Waterlines report comments: “[The guidelines] highlight the development of updated guidelines that […]

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National Water Commission warns of stressed groundwater systems

A new report by the National Water Commission defines the concept of ‘water stress’ in groundwater or surface water system.  It describes a nationally consistent method for measuring water stress, as an indicator of potentially overused surface water and groundwater system.  Catchments and aquifers with high levels of stress are identified, and the report discusses […]

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Groundwater Issues Associated with Coal Seam Gas Development

A forum exploring groundwater issues associated with CSG development and ways that they can be managed. Tuesday 21 August 2012 5.30pm meet and greet for 6pm start (refreshments provided) Fritz Loewe Theatre, University of Melbourne, cnr Swanston and Elgin St, Carlton Coal Seam Gas developments involve the drilling and installation of numerous wells and extraction […]

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Sustainability of groundwater usage in northern China – insights from hydrogeochemistry

Northern China is one of the most densely populated and agriculturally productive regions of the world, but also one of its driest and most water-stressed. The productivity of this region and the livelihoods of its people over recent decades have been critically dependent upon high rates of groundwater extraction from a range of major aquifer […]

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WA Chapter Annual Social Meeting

The Western Australian IAH Chapter is pleased to announce our annual social meeting to be held on Thursday, 28 June between 5:30 and 8pm. The event is a highlight on the WA event calendar and represents a fantastic networking opportunity for members and industry counterparts alike. […]

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Groundwater catchment characterisation; Bundaberg integrated hydrogeology/ hydrogeophysics investigation

The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics together with the IAH invite all members to attend a presentation of the findings from a catchment characterisation investigation into the Bundaberg Irrigation Area. More specifically, Geoff Pettifer will discuss how well can we characterise an alluvial / lacustrine / coastal aeolian groundwater system by a fully integrated hydrogeology and geophysics effort. […]

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Geostatistics and water table mapping/time series analysis

This presentation will detail two new statistical tools for shallow hydrogeology, both of which will soon be freely available. The first tool is for time-series modelling of unconfined groundwater hydrographs. It allows the decomposition of a hydrograph to individual drivers, such as pumping and climate, under non-stationary climate conditions while also providing insights into observed […]

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Something Old, Something New; Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia

The Australia Drilling Industry Association (ADIA), together with the IAH invite all members to attend “Something Old, Something New”, the launching of the 3rd edition of “Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia” released in February this year. Central to the focus of the guideline was to establish minimum requirements for constructing, maintaining, rehabilitating, and decommissioning water bores in […]

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Letter from Hon Bill Marmion regarding WA 2012-13 State Budget

The attached letter outlines key initiatives within the portfolios of environment and water in the 2012-2013 WA State Budget.  The letter has been provided by the Hon. Bill marmion MLA.  Note in particular the details on the groundwater replenishment scheme. Minister for Environment Water 2012-13 State Budget […]

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