IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features the 2018 NCGRT Distinguished Lecture Series talk by Dr Jennifer Stauber, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO Land & Water, entitled Groundwater Quality: An Ecotoxicology Perspective. Dr Stauber is a Chief Research Scientist at the Centre for Environmental Contaminants Research, CSIRO Land and Water in Sydney […]
GeoOttawa 2017 – Abstracts closing soon
IAH Canada is co-hosting the 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 12th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference. Abstract deadline is 15 January, so get in quick! Further details can be found on our Events page: https://www.iah.org.au/events/other-events/geoottawa-2017/ […]
Speleo2017 in NSW
17th International Congress of Speleology will be held in Penrith, NSW, on 23-29 July, 2017. More information can be found on in our events listing. […]
Registration Open! – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources – IAH Western Australia Annual Seminar
It is with great pleasure that we announce the early-bird registrations for the 2015 Seminar – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources are now open!!! This seminar will be held on June, 8-9 at the Parmelia Hilton in the Perth CBD. Program, more information and registration details can be found at https://www.iah.org.au/events/watershale2015/ Co-convened by […]
Groundwater essentials
The National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training in association with the NT branch of the IAH will be presenting a one day course covering the basics of groundwater for non-hydrogeologists. Special emphasis will be given to the types of aquifers common to the NT. The course will be held in Darwin on Tuesday 9th […]
IAH-NSW McEllhiney Lecture, 2014:Groundwater spreadsheets
IAH-NSW members and friends, Join us on Tuesday 13th May for an immensely practical and educational McEllhiney Lecture. Carlos Molano will show how one can use spreadsheets to solve a wide range of groundwater problems without programing or complex mathematics. Please not that due to an expected higher number of audience for this lecture, AECOM […]
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2014 NCGRT Distinguished Lecturer Series
Professor Derek Eamus: Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: key questions, new methods and a response curve Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are a valuable resource, having economic, biological, conservation, ecosystem services and aesthetic values. However, global-change type droughts and associated woodland and forest mortality represents a new threat to both groundwater resources and GDEs. Three challenges are faced by resource […]
SA IAH/NCGRT Modellers’ Forum #4
IAH Australia and the NCGRT have joined together to present a series of groundwater modelling forums. This series is an opportunity for Adelaide’s groundwater modellers to come together and discuss a host of issues relevant to consultancies, agencies and researchers. THE ANALYTIC ELEMENT FOR SOLVING GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS The analytic element method is a numerical method […]
SA IAH Chapter/NCGRT groundwater modellers’ forum #3
IAH Australia and the NCGRT have joined up to present a series of groundwater modelling forums. This series is an opportunity for Adelaide’s groundwater modellers to come together and discuss a host of issues relevant to consultancies, agencies and researchers. GCM’S meet MODFLOW Predicting the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources is not a […]
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IAH-NSW : Young Professional Award 2013
Dearest IAH-NSW friends, We are delighted to announce our second round of Young Professional Award is now open for nominations. This year you can take initiative and nominate yourself! So what are you waiting for? If you are a young professional in the field of hydrogeology and meet the Criteria for nomination, lay your fingers on […]
McEllhiney Lecture – Keeping the Pump Primed: Aquifer Sustainability
How will your groundwater resources fare in the future and how will that affect your business? How can we ensure the sustainability of our aquifers through sound science? How should groundwater contractors and scientists confront economic and political challenges affecting the resource that is pivotal to the success of their businesses? How is “sustainability” defined […]
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High resolution seismic for gold and base metal exploration
The WA Branch of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists is hosting a CHANGED Tech Night presented by Greg Turner of HiSeis. When: Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 Time: Registration from 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start Where: City West Function Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth Cost: ASEG/SEG/IAH Members FREE Non Members $30.00 Registration: Click here […]
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Future Advances in Groundwater Modelling — FEFLOW 6.2 Sneak Preview
June 13 2013, 5:30 pm Melbourne Hotel, corner of Hay and Milligan Streets Join IAH and DHI for socializing and a technical talk. Fabien Cornaton will introduce the beta-version of FEFLOW 6.2, giving an overview of the many new features to be implemented in the next release of FEFLOW and providing a roadmap for future […]
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IAHNT Seminar “Groundwater in Northern Australia”
The Northern Territory Branch of the ÏAH, in collaboration with Charles Darwin University’s Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods, will be hosting a seminar on the afternoon of the 24 June 2013. Details of the Program can be found here. […]
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Geothermal Prospecting in the Perth Basin
This technical seminar will discuss how hydrogeologists can initiate and encourage geothermal projects. The presentation will focus on Hot Sedimentary Aquifers and how they can be utilised for heating and cooling projects. Favourable geothermal conditions in Western Australia and the Perth region will be outlined. A case study of the recently completed Beatty Park Leisure […]
NCGRT 2013 Distinguished Lecturer Series
The NCGRT Distinguished Lecturer series is set to tour in April. This year’s distinguished lecturer, Professor Andrew Boulton will be speaking on integrating river ecology and groundwater linkages. In recent years, river ecologists have made several significant conceptual advances that have changed the way we view river ecosystems […]
IAH NSW Technical Meeting-12th March
This is a reminder for the IAH NSW next talk by Dr Noel Merrick, on Tuesday, 12th March 2013, on the very current topic “How does aquifer interference policy affect groundwater assessments”. The talk will provide simplified representation of the requirements for groundwater assessments in relation to NSW Aquifer Interference Policy (AIP). A series of diagrams will be presented […]
IAH/NCGRT Inaugural Groundwater Modellers’ Forum
The forum aims to have regular meetings of groundwater modellers here in Adelaide to discuss a host of issues relevant to consultancies, agencies and researchers. Agenda Welcome and Introduction (Steve Barnett & Peter Cook) Modelling Guidelines – First Version (Hugh Middlemis) Modelling Guidelines – Second Version (Doug Weatherill) Discussion DEWNR Model Warehouse (Wei Yan) Where […]
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NCGRT’s Australian Groundwater School Melbourne 18-21 March 2013
The School is an intensive 4-day course. This course acts as a bridge for scientific, engineering, technical, policy and management personnel to gain a broad groundwater education. The week will cover the fundamentals of hydrogeology, assessment methods, applications and management. The course is aimed at professional and technical staff who are involved in groundwater managment, […]
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WA 2012 AGM and Student Night
It’s the most wonderful time of the year — time for the National and Western Australian chapter’s annual general meeting and student night. Come along and devour a delicious free meal, learn about what’s been going on last year and prospects for 2013, vote for next year’s officers, and be entertained and educated by research […]
Mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide in basalt: a pre-injection overview of the CarbFix project
This entry is a cross-post for the Geological Society of Australia. The talk is likely to be of great interest to hydrogeologists! The GSA-WA Division is hosting a talk on 7 November 2012 at the Irish Club of WA, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco. The speaker will be Domenik Wolff-Boenisch from Curtin University, and he will be […]
WA Branch Annual Seminar: Mine Closure and Water
As Western Australia’s mining boom continues, it is incumbent upon us, as hydrogeological practitioners, and key decision makers in the water and mining process that we not only focus ‘on the here and now’ but that we also have ethical and moral obligations to consider the long term residual social and environmental impacts on the […]
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