Membership in the International Association of Hydrogeologists runs by the calendar year (January to December). IAH Australia will be opening the online portal for 2016 registrations in early January. Another notice will be sent out in January once the portal is up and running. After much deliberation, the National Committee has voted to freeze registration […]
2015 IAH Membership Renewal Now open!
IAH Australia wishes to advise that membership registration for the 2015 calendar year is now open. IAH is pleased to announce that we have in place a new automated membership registration system. We would like to thank members for their patience during the development process. The new system will accept all major credit cards and […]
Its that time of year again: Renew your membership today
We’d love for you to remain part of the IAH, so why not renew now? Existing members can continue to take advantage of the services your IAH Membership provides, whether it be participating in technical seminars, attending the IAH Congress, networking opportunities or simply having access to the latest technical information through publications like the […]
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IAH VIC – 2013 Darcy Lecture: Managing Groundwater Beneath the Agricultural Landscape
Agricultural land use represents the largest nonpoint source threat to groundwater quality on a global scale. As a result of decades of fertilizer application and surface spreading of animal manure, chronic increases in nutrient concentrations have been documented in both private and municipal well systems. The occurrence of pathogenic microbes in groundwater supply wells has […]
The use and abuse of the precautionary principle
The NSW Protection of the Environment Administration Act (PEAA) 1991, provides the following definition of the Precautionary Principle (PP): “If there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reasoning for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation.” The PP is routinely applied in Groundwater […]
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