Vacancy – Senior / Principal Research Scientist

A Darwin based Government Department is offering an ongoing Senior / Principal Research Scientist position to lead its Geoscience research program. The Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist (ERISS) is part of the Supervising Scientist Branch. The primary roles of the team at ERISS are to undertake monitoring and research into the impact of uranium […]

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SA Chapter – South Australian Groundwater Forum – 2015

The focus of this inaugural groundwater forum is to provide an insight into the current condition of SAs groundwater resources and the latest developments in various aspects of the groundwater industry, as well as discussing future opportunities within South Australia. Topics include: • First comprehensive audit of groundwater use from over 9,000 wells – how […]

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Australian Groundwater Modelling School – Sydney 13-16 July 2015

This School will introduce attendees to the art and science of groundwater modelling. It will include a brief discussion of groundwater flow before examining the details of the process of modelling. Each step in the process will be thoroughly examined with practical applications as the focus. Extensive tutorials will allow attendees the opportunity to gain […]

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IAHWA – May Technical Presentation – Hydrogeology of the West Canning Basin

Influence of Conceptual Model Uncertainty on Recharge Processes for the Wallal Aquifer System in the West Canning Basin When                   20th May 2015, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Where                  Fortescue Centre, Level 3/87 Adelaide Tce, East Perth WA. Fellowship 5:30-6pm (Plain Street Bar). Presentation upstairs from 6pm. IAH Western Australia is pleased to host Jon Hanna who will […]

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Goulburn-Murray Water presentation – 19th May, 2015 – Development of a groundwater interference assessment tool

Presenter: Brendan Cossens Date / Time: Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 5:30 pm Location/Meeting Room: Goulburn-Murray Water, 33 Casey Street, Tatura RSVP: For catering purposes please  RSVP using the invite below or email RSVP : Goulburn-Murray Water presentation – 19th May 2015 – Development of a groundwat Abstract: The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has initiated a program to improve […]

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Groundwater issues front and centre in a national think tank

Australia’s groundwater community will gather in Canberra in November to bring our pressing groundwater issues to the surface.  Scientific, government, research and industry specialists will gather for the largest national think tank on groundwater science and management, in Canberra from 3-5 November. Calling for the forum are two of Australia’s leaders in groundwater science and […]

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Victorian IAH branch presentation and Annual General Meeting, April 14th – Pumping Test and Type Curves – the good old fashioned way!

Abstract Have you ever wondered how those old fart hydrogeologists analysed pumping tests before computers?  Ever wondered about those mysterious words “Match Point”?  Or whether recovery data is really worth hanging around for?  All will be revealed at the next IAH meeting.  Remember to bring along your prehistoric pen, ruler, and calculator for an interactive […]

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Registration Open! – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources – IAH Western Australia Annual Seminar

  It is with great pleasure that we announce the early-bird registrations for the 2015 Seminar – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources are now open!!! This seminar will be held on June, 8-9 at the Parmelia Hilton in the Perth CBD. Program, more information and registration details can be found at Co-convened by […]

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2015 Darcy Lecture in Victoria – What Happens in the Pore, No Longer Stays in the Pore: Opportunities Limitations for Porous Media Characterisation and Process Quantification Using X-ray Tomography

Abstract: During this presentation, you will receive an overview of the current state of imaging of porous media systems—and processes taking place within them—using x-ray tomography, a technique that allows for three-dimensional observation and measurement of variables internal to an otherwise opaque object. Gain insight on how x-ray tomography has advanced to the point where […]

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AGC 2015 – Call for Abstracts

The NCGRT and the IAH are joining forces to bring to you the Australian Groundwater Conference 2015. The Organising Committee is excited to launch the initial call for abstracts in the following thematic areas: 1. State of the art modelling and data management 2. Emerging measurement technologies 3. Urban groundwater issues 4. Climate change, land […]

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Australian Groundwater Modelling School – Last chance to register!

IAH members receive a 10% discount on all NCGRT short course fees and students enjoy a 20% discount on fees, multiple registration discounts are also available to organisations who send more than one employee to any given course. The Australian Groundwater Modelling School is taking place in Adelaide from 23 – 26 February 2015. This School will […]

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IAH News – Vol 30, No 2

Welcome to the Australian Chapter IAH quarterly newsletter. In this issue: Update of IAH membership Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting Early Career Hydrogeologist Network “Coolest Paper of 2014” contest Snapshot of the State branch activities Events and Resources – 2014 Darcy lecture tour (in 2015!), 2015 Australian Groundwater Conference, IAH WA: Water Management […]

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Victorian IAH Branch December Presentation and Christmas Function

  Salinity in the Murray-Darling Basin: mirage or sleeping dragon? Abstract The salinity threat posed to land and water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin was at the forefront of water policy and management initiatives throughout much of the second half of the 20th Century.  In response to the salinity threat, monitoring and works programs have […]

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Victorian IAH Branch submission regarding the Victorian Water Bill Exposure Draft

Water Law Review The Victorian Government is carrying out a comprehensive review of Victoria’s water laws to deliver a streamlined and effective legislative framework for water management and use in Victoria. Water Minister Peter Walsh appointed an expert Advisory Panel with legal and water industry experience to oversee the review and make recommendations. Water Bill […]

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IAH/AIG 2014 Fieldtrip: Ballarat Area

AIG and IAH invite you to attend this year’s joint field trip to be held on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th November 2014. The trip will examine aspects of the hydrogeology, geology and mine and municipal water management in the Ballarat area. There will be a combination of all four topics on each day and […]

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NCGRT Field Methods School – IAH Members 10% discount applies

This three-day course will review and provide participants with hands-on experience in a selection of common and novel techniques used to monitor and characterise groundwater systems. Short presentations and reading material will provide a theoretical background, after which the techniques will be applied in a series of informative, practical field trips. The course will cover: […]

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Australian Groundwater Conference 2015

The National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and the Australian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists are joining forces to deliver the Australian Groundwater Conference in Canberra in November 2015. We are looking forward to welcoming groundwater researchers, industry professionals and policy development specialists to this exciting event. We are strongly committed to […]

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IAH-NSW November Meeting

IAH-NSW proudly presents Professor David K. Kreamer (Uiversity of Nevada, Las Vegas). Professor Kreamer is also the Vice President of North America, International Association of Hydrogeologists and President of Universities Council on Water Resources. His presentation will spring preservation. The springs in Grand Canyon National Park are the focus of wildlife in an arid environment, Native […]

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Western Australian AGM 2014 and Student Night

Wednesday 19 November 2014 5:30 socialising, 6:00 pm program start FMG Training Rooms, Level 3, 87 Plain Street corner of Adelaide Terrace and Plain Street. The Western Australian Chapter will hold their Annual General Meeting and the 2014 Student Night at a new location at Fortescue Metals Group (full directions below). This is an important opportunity […]

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Thirty-five years of groundwater modelling: from regional aquifer systems, to impacts of mining, CSG and nuclear testing

Dr Lloyd Townley – Principal Environmental and Water Engineer, CDM Smith, Perth WA Whenever we need to predict the behaviour of hydrogeological systems, at almost any scale, there are few alternatives to modelling.  Modelling has limitations, but modelling provides a framework for integrating what we know and for testing hypotheses. Modelling allows us to predict […]

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IAH-NSW Student Night 2014

Another October and another exciting night for young students to share their work with all. This year, we have two, very impressive presentations by Sarah Taylor, PhD student from the University of Sydney, and Juan Carlos Castilla, PhD student form UNSW. Sarah will present a talk titled ‘A hydrogeochemical study of shallow saline groundwater in […]

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Information for members about the recent suspension email

Recently an email from Sharon Warden advised a number of the IAH members of their suspended membership as a result of not renewing in 2014. Unfortunately the list of these individuals had some discrepancies, hence, some paid members were in receipt of this email. For more information on this matter and how to take appropriate […]

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Upcoming Groundwater Shortcourses in Melbourne

IAH Victoria is pleased to promote 2 Groundwater Shortcourses to be held in Melbourne in August and November. IAH members receive discounts on the attendance fees for both of the following courses: Groundwater Fundamentals One Day Short Course (with a Two Day option for practical tutorials) Location: Hotel Ibis in Melbourne Date: Thursday 28th August […]

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IAH-NSW monthly meeting:The NSW Aquifer Interference Policy: From the eyes of a regulator

NSW friends, most of you remember very well one of our biggest ever audience was gathered to hear Dr Noel Merrick’s presentation on Aquifer Interference Policy, when it was being produced and reviewed. This time, Mitchell Isaacs (who oversees the NSW Office of Water’s review and assessment of major developments),  will provide his views on what the […]

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IAH-NSW Regional Meeting: 22nd July, Dubbo

IAH NSW proudly presents our 2014 Regional talk by Prof Andy Baker, Director of the Connected Waters Initiative Research Centre, UNSW. This talk will present research results from his research team working in Central West NSW. The research utilises bore hole transects and bore fields in the Wellington region, funded through the Groundwater Education Investment Fund. Held […]

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The Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 in Newcastle (AESC)

The Geological Society of Australia invites you to participate in the Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 in Newcastle. With a keynote presentation by Mr George Gates PSM on “groundwater requirements for a mining or coal seam gas application”, and a specialised set of topics to address hydrogeological matters of interest, AESC is set to offer great insight. More […]

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Development of a MAR scheme – Learnings from City West Water

Attila Gaal (CWW) Abstract Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is a challenging form of Managed Aquifer Recharge and is currently emerging as a new industry in Victoria. ASR constitutes one of the cornerstones of the Alternative Water program at City West Water. Over the last 5 years this program has grown from feasibility studies to […]

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IAH-NSW Elders Q&A Night

Dear IAH-NSW friends, we are proud to host another Elders Night with distinguished panel members: Col Dudgeon, Chris Jewell and Peter Smith. Our 2014 panel covers consultancy, academia, and contaminant hydrogeology to yet again display the level of variety in this profession. But wait! This is not all we have in store for you. As is IAH  tradition, we […]

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IAH-NSW McEllhiney Lecture, 2014:Groundwater spreadsheets

IAH-NSW members and friends, Join us on Tuesday 13th May for an immensely practical and educational McEllhiney Lecture. Carlos Molano will show how one can use spreadsheets to solve a wide range of groundwater problems without programing or complex mathematics. Please not that due to an expected higher number of audience for this lecture,  AECOM […]

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New job: Water Resource Engineer – Power and Water Corporation

For more information pertaining to the Water Resource Engineer listing  click here. To view job vacancies please visit our Employment page.  If you a looking to advertise positions on our webpage please contact   […]

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VIC IAH Technical Presentation: Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: key questions, new methods and a response curve

The Victorian IAH branch is pleased to present the 2014 Distinguised Lecturer Series titled “Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: Key questions, new methods and a reponse curve” by Professor Derek Eamus from the University of Technology, Sydney. Further details can be found in the attached flyer. Come Join Us Tuesday 6 May, 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start Jacobs (formerly […]

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WA chapter monthly talk : 2014 NCGRT Distinguished Lecturer Series

Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: key questions, new methods and a response curve Wednesday 30 April 2014 5:00 socialising, 5:45 pm program start The Melbourne Hotel, corner of Hay and Milligan Streets The Western Australian Chapter is proud to announce the 2014 NCGRT Distinguished Lecturer Series, by Professor Derek Eamus. ABSTRACT   Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are a valuable resource, […]

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IAH-NSW Monthly presentation 8th April

Dear IAH NSW friends, please join us on the 8th of April to attend Mr Mahdi Zoorabadi’s presentation on ‘Hydraulic conductivity of jointed rocks: New estimation approach and new insights into the field tests’. Rock discontinuities play a significant role in the circulation of water through jointed rocks, while the geometrical characteristics of joints control […]

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SA IAH/NCGRT Modellers’ Forum #4

IAH Australia and the NCGRT have joined together to present a series of groundwater modelling forums. This series is an opportunity for Adelaide’s groundwater modellers to come together and discuss a host of issues relevant to consultancies, agencies and researchers. THE ANALYTIC ELEMENT FOR SOLVING GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS The analytic element method is a numerical method […]

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What can Australia learn from western U.S. groundwater law and policy?

The western US and Australia face the twin challenges of providing water to support consumptive and environmental values in the context of frequent water scarcity. They also have broadly comparable cultures, legal systems and levels of development. States in Australia and the western US have pursued different elements of, and approaches to, common groundwater sustainability […]

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The Early Career Hydrogeologists’ ‘Coolest Paper of 2013’ competition

Have you read a paper about hydrogeology that made you jump out of your seat this year? What was the piece of science that really inspired you with its originality, creativity, thoroughness or downright coolness? Here’s your chance to have a say, in the inaugural ‘Coolest hydrogeology paper of the year’ competition, run by the […]

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WA chapter monthly talk : CSIRO Pawsey groundwater cooling system – from groundwater to the stars

Wednesday 19 March 2014 5:30 socialising, 6:00 pm program start The Melbourne Hotel, corner of Hay and Milligan Streets The Western Australian Chapter is proud to announce the second monthly talk on the CSIRO Pawsey groundwater cooling system, by Mike Trefry, CSIRO. ABSTRACT   In 2012 the Square-Kilometre Array (SKA) project was awarded jointly to South […]

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IAH Submission – Victoria Water Law Review

The Victorian Government is undertaking a comprehensive review of Victoria’s water laws to deliver a streamlined and effective legislative framework for water management and use in Victoria. […]

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A two-day Workshop on Aquifers, Aqutards & Mining

This two-day workshop co-presented by the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and the Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices at the University of New South Wales, will give an overview of innovative techniques, including vertical permeability testing at core-bore-formation scale, geocentrifuge physical modelling, solute and isotope applications for aquitards, ITRAX core scanning, wireline […]

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IAH-NSW Technical Monthly Presentation, 11th March

Dear IAH members, we are thrilled to confirm that on the 11th of March Dr Sarah Bennett will be presenting her work on the impact of climate change on deep drainage. Deep drainage is considered as the main cause of secondary salinity in Australia. The results of her study show potential for climate change to increase […]

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Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 – Newcastle

The Geological Society of Australia presents the Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014. AESC 2014 will be held in Newcastle, based around the themes of energy, basin geology, geodynam­ics, resources the environment, the geological record of life, and the role of the Earth Sciences in the community. Dedicated symposia include the 39th Symposium on the Advances in […]

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The Great ECHN BBQ

The Great ECHN BBQ An opportunity to socialise and learn about the latest in groundwater sampling techniques and drilling methods used in WA.   The Early Career Hydrogeologists Network (ECHN) in Western Australia is pleased to announce its first event of the 2014 calendar…get your smart phone out and save the date! What’s happening: Short […]

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IAH-NSW Monthly talk: ‘Data-Centric Groundwater Modelling: Quantifying Uncertainty in Groundwater Predictions’

Dear IAH friends, With our heartiest wishes for a happy and successful 2014, IAH NSW proudly presents the first technical meeting of this year; a presentation by George Mathews, a Senior Researcher at the Control and Signal Processing Research Group. George will talk about a collaborative project by Department of primary Industry (in particular NSW Office of Water) and […]

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IAH Christmas Break-up and Presentation: Leading Practice Framework for Coal Seam Gas Development in Australia

Come and join us for our annual Christmas breakup and presentation by Louise Lennon from SKM titled “Leading Practice Framework for Coal Seam Gas Development in Australia”. Food and drink to follow the presentation. Come Join us 10th December 2014 5:30 pm for a 6 pm start. Sinclair Knight Merz Level 16, 452 Flinders Lane, […]

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SA IAH Chapter/NCGRT groundwater modellers’ forum #3

IAH Australia and the NCGRT have joined up to present a series of groundwater modelling forums.  This series is an opportunity for Adelaide’s groundwater modellers to come together and discuss a host of issues relevant to consultancies, agencies and researchers. GCM’S meet MODFLOW Predicting the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources is not a […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter End of the Year Note!

Dear IAH-NSW friends, We held the last technical talk of 2013 on the 12th November. We had a busy 2013 and are all buckled-up for an even busier 2014. Since we’d love to end  2013 posts on a positive note, let’s have a look at our recipients of the Young Professional Award (YPA) in 2013. Ms Ellen Kwantes  (from PB) […]

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CSG Groundwater Monitoring Communications Survey

This survey has been prepared as part of an overall study examining the following two hypotheses:   Groundwater monitoring information, if comprehensive, accurate and suitably presented, can alleviate community and regulatory concerns about groundwater impacts from CSG operations. The current level of scientific research is addressing community and regulatory concerns about impacts from CSG extraction. […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter: Braddon Site Remediation

Dear IAH friends, Our next and last technical talk for this calendar year will be by Dino Parisotto director of Earth2Water to be presented on 12 November 2013. With over 20 years experience in contaminated land investigations, assessment, management and remediation, Dino will discuss the works undertaken and the outcomes achieved at the former service station […]

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VIC IAH Branch Field Trip 2013: The Lake Connewarre

IAH and AIG invite you to attend this year’s inaugural joint field trip to be held on Saturday November 23rd 2013. The trip will explore the hydrogeology and geomorphology of the lower Barwon River, through a guided tour of sites along this internationally protected wetland complex. Topics will include the geological, geomorphological and hydrological evolution […]

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Dewatering in the Australian mining and oil & gas industries

Wednesday 16 October 2013 If you missed it, this presentation is now available at Airwell’s website! Alan Brown will provide an overview of issues that need to be considered when undertaking a dewatering project before preparing reports and making recommendations to the clients. Using Alan’s extensive experience in providing pumping solutions for dewatering issues, Alan […]

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