Power Point presentations from the seminar held on the 29th of June 2012 have been converted to Adobe Acrobat format and can be downloaded here. […]
Sustainability of groundwater usage in northern China – insights from hydrogeochemistry
Northern China is one of the most densely populated and agriculturally productive regions of the world, but also one of its driest and most water-stressed. The productivity of this region and the livelihoods of its people over recent decades have been critically dependent upon high rates of groundwater extraction from a range of major aquifer […]
IAH Australia newsletter: Q4 2011 to Q1 2012
The latest edition of the IAH Australia newsletter is now available for download… somewhat late! We’ve been ironing out a couple issues with the new website, and have just increased the file size upload limit so we could post the newsletter. The content may be a little out of date as a result, but we’re […]
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WA Chapter Annual Social Meeting
The Western Australian IAH Chapter is pleased to announce our annual social meeting to be held on Thursday, 28 June between 5:30 and 8pm. The event is a highlight on the WA event calendar and represents a fantastic networking opportunity for members and industry counterparts alike. […]
Groundwater catchment characterisation; Bundaberg integrated hydrogeology/ hydrogeophysics investigation
The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics together with the IAH invite all members to attend a presentation of the findings from a catchment characterisation investigation into the Bundaberg Irrigation Area. More specifically, Geoff Pettifer will discuss how well can we characterise an alluvial / lacustrine / coastal aeolian groundwater system by a fully integrated hydrogeology and geophysics effort. […]
Geostatistics and water table mapping/time series analysis
This presentation will detail two new statistical tools for shallow hydrogeology, both of which will soon be freely available. The first tool is for time-series modelling of unconfined groundwater hydrographs. It allows the decomposition of a hydrograph to individual drivers, such as pumping and climate, under non-stationary climate conditions while also providing insights into observed […]
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Something Old, Something New; Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia
The Australia Drilling Industry Association (ADIA), together with the IAH invite all members to attend “Something Old, Something New”, the launching of the 3rd edition of “Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia” released in February this year. Central to the focus of the guideline was to establish minimum requirements for constructing, maintaining, rehabilitating, and decommissioning water bores in […]
Letter from Hon Bill Marmion regarding WA 2012-13 State Budget
The attached letter outlines key initiatives within the portfolios of environment and water in the 2012-2013 WA State Budget. The letter has been provided by the Hon. Bill marmion MLA. Note in particular the details on the groundwater replenishment scheme. Minister for Environment Water 2012-13 State Budget […]
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WA Branch Annual Seminar: Mine Closure and Water
As Western Australia’s mining boom continues, it is incumbent upon us, as hydrogeological practitioners, and key decision makers in the water and mining process that we not only focus ‘on the here and now’ but that we also have ethical and moral obligations to consider the long term residual social and environmental impacts on the […]
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Licensing exemption for monitoring wells
A modified approach to licensing requirements for monitoring wells (bores) will reduce administrative red tape, lower costs and support industry and development in Western Australia. Under existing legislation, the construction and/or alteration of all monitoring wells must be licensed, however, the legislation also allows for the Governor to make an exemption from the licensing requirements. […]
Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia-3rd Edition February 2012
The third edition of Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australiahas been developed by the National Uniform Drillers Licensing Committee. This book outlines the minimum requirements for constructing, maintaining, rehabilitating, and decommissioning water bores in Australia. It is used extensively by regulators and the drilling industry, and provides a consistent standard reference across Australia for the licensing of bores […]
Gascoyne River Alluvial Aquifer; Groundwater Management and Tools
The horticultural industry has been operating adjacent to the Gascoyne River dating back to the late 1920’s. Harvested produce from the region is diverse, ranging from bananas, mangoes and avocados through to tomatoes and grapes. The Carnarvon Horticultural Area is heavily reliant upon the Gascoyne River alluvial aquifer for much of its irrigation needs. The aquifer is also utilised for town […]
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Groundwater Regulation and Mining in Victoria
Once a mineral resource has been identified considerations turn to technical constraints, economic feasibility and environmental and regulatory approvals to advance the project. Extractive industries often encounter groundwater as one of the significant issues that need to be addressed due to technical, environmental and regulatory reasons. Over the last 10 years there has been a […]
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IAH Victorian Chapter Presentation Schedule 2012
34th International Geological Congress (IGC): AUSTRALIA 2012
The Australian Geoscience Council invites you to the 34th Session of the International Geological Congress (IGC), in Brisbane, in August 2012 for what promises to be an intellectually stimulating and socially memorable Congress. The IGC was first held in 1878, and the Oceania region has only hosted the event once in its prestigious history. High level political and scientific […]
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IMWA Annual Conference 2012
Mining intensity and scale is on the increase worldwide. Water shortages resulting from climate change, pollution and increased demand, mean that understanding and managing waters in and around mining activity has never been so vital to environment and society. You are invited to attend the International Mine Water Association’s (IMWA) 2012 conference in one of […]