IAH NSW Meeting 14 May 2019: Dr Hamid Roshan (UNSW)

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2019 features a talk by Dr Hamid Roshan, Senior Lecturer at the UNSW School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering. Physics-based measurement of formation permeability using widely available downhole logging data Formation permeability is of fundamental importance in many engineering disciplines […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 9 April 2019: Brendan Dimech and Dr Andrew Frost (Bureau of Meteorology)

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting on Tuesday 9 April 2019 features talks by Brendan Dimech and Dr Andrew Frost (Bureau of Meteorology). A presentation on Bureau of Meteorology’s suite of national groundwater products – Brendan Dimech Brendan is a Hydrogeologist at the Groundwater Unit with the Bureau of Meteorology. He will […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 12 March 2019: Dr John Bradd

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr John Bradd, Principal Hydrogeologist at GHD. He will discuss some key observations and developments in hydrogeology throughout his 30 year career and the influences that have shaped his personal journey to where he is today. Venue: WSP office Level 27, 680 George […]

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IAH NSW Meeting and AGM 12 February 2019: Dr Richard Evans

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr Richard Evans, Principal Hydrogeologist at Jacobs, entitled Hydrogeological basics and lessons learnt from tunneling in Australia. Please click here for the event flyer. AGM and Committee appointments The NSW and Federal IAH AGM is taking place prior to the talk from […]

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NSW Department of Industry, Lands & Water: Contingent Hydrogeologist Position

The Lands & Water Division of the NSW Department of Industry is currently seeking a hydrogeologist to join their team. Please click here for the advertisement.   […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 27 November 2018: Dr Jennifer Stauber, NCGRT Distinguished Lecture Series

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features the 2018 NCGRT Distinguished Lecture Series talk by Dr Jennifer Stauber, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO Land & Water, entitled Groundwater Quality: An Ecotoxicology Perspective. Dr Stauber is a Chief Research Scientist at the Centre for Environmental Contaminants Research, CSIRO Land and Water in Sydney […]

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IAH NSW Introductory course on Python for groundwater science: 5 December 2018

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that Dr Stuart Brown will be presenting a short course on Python for groundwater science on Wednesday 5 December. Dr Stuart Brown is a consultant hydrogeologist with HGEO Pty Ltd in Sydney. He has over 25 years’ experience in consulting and research for mining, infrastructure and agriculture projects. Over […]

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IAH NSW Regional Meeting and IAH/DPI Field Trip: 13 and 14 November 2018

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that this year’s regional meeting will be held in Mildura, with the following proposed itinerary: Tuesday 13 November 5.30pm:  Presentation by Asitha Katupitiya (Director – Water Quality and Salinity Management MDBA) on the Basin Salinity Management Strategy. Wednesday 14 November morning: Field trip to the Salt Interception Schemes (SIS) that […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 9 October 2018: Student Night

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting is our annual student night, featuring the following talks: Joshua Yu, UNSW: Mechanisms affecting PFAS migration under groundwater – surface water interactions. Emily Barber, UoW: Crossing Three Deep Valleys: The Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Palaeo-environments of Thirlmere Lakes, NSW.  Venue: WSP office Level 27, 680 George Street, Sydney Time: […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 30 July 2018: Todd Halihan

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Todd Halihan, Professor of Geology at Oklahoma State University and Chief Technical Officer for Aestus LLC, entitled Electrical Hydrogeology: A Picture Is Worth 1000 Wells. Todd Halihan has been an associate editor for Groundwater and has served as Secretary-Treasurer of the […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 12 June 2018: Ross Best

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Ross Best, a Senior Principal and the Head of Practice – Geotechnical Australia and New Zealand of Coffey Services Australia. Ross has been based in Sydney for the bulk of his career and has provided groundwater advice on a wide range […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 21 May 2018: 2018 Darcy Lecture, Professor Masaki Hayashi

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features the 2018 Darcy Lecture by Professor Masaki Hayashi, Professor in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Calgary. Please click here for more information on the NGWA Darcy Lecture and Professor Masaki Hayashi. Please click here for the detailed description and event flyer. Venue: WSP […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 10 April 2018: Dr Grant Ferguson

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr Grant Ferguson, Associate Professor of Geological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan. Grant Ferguson completed a B.Sc. in geology at the University of Waterloo in 2000 and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the University Manitoba in 2004. He held a faculty […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 13 March 2018: Dr Wendy Timms

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr Wendy Timms, UNSW School of Mining Engineering and Connected Waters Initiative. Please click here for the detailed description and event flyer. Venue: WSP office. Level 27, 680 George Street, Sydney Time: 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start […]

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IAH-NSW McEllhiney Lecture, 2014:Groundwater spreadsheets

IAH-NSW members and friends, Join us on Tuesday 13th May for an immensely practical and educational McEllhiney Lecture. Carlos Molano will show how one can use spreadsheets to solve a wide range of groundwater problems without programing or complex mathematics. Please not that due to an expected higher number of audience for this lecture,  AECOM […]

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Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 – Newcastle

The Geological Society of Australia presents the Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014. AESC 2014 will be held in Newcastle, based around the themes of energy, basin geology, geodynam­ics, resources the environment, the geological record of life, and the role of the Earth Sciences in the community. Dedicated symposia include the 39th Symposium on the Advances in […]

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IAH-NSW Monthly talk: ‘Data-Centric Groundwater Modelling: Quantifying Uncertainty in Groundwater Predictions’

Dear IAH friends, With our heartiest wishes for a happy and successful 2014, IAH NSW proudly presents the first technical meeting of this year; a presentation by George Mathews, a Senior Researcher at the Control and Signal Processing Research Group. George will talk about a collaborative project by Department of primary Industry (in particular NSW Office of Water) and […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter End of the Year Note!

Dear IAH-NSW friends, We held the last technical talk of 2013 on the 12th November. We had a busy 2013 and are all buckled-up for an even busier 2014. Since we’d love to end  2013 posts on a positive note, let’s have a look at our recipients of the Young Professional Award (YPA) in 2013. Ms Ellen Kwantes  (from PB) […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter: Braddon Site Remediation

Dear IAH friends, Our next and last technical talk for this calendar year will be by Dino Parisotto director of Earth2Water to be presented on 12 November 2013. With over 20 years experience in contaminated land investigations, assessment, management and remediation, Dino will discuss the works undertaken and the outcomes achieved at the former service station […]

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IAH-NSW Proudly Presents: 2013 Student Night

Dear IAH-NSW friends, on October 15th we proudly present our  student presenters for 2013. Richard Rosendorff an Honours student from UNSW, will present his talk on “Identification of fractures in the Hawkesbury Sandstone using Ground-Penetrating Radar’. Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-invasive geophysical technique that allows for imaging of the shallow sub-surface. There has been […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter 2013 Darcy Lecture

Dear IAH friends, IAH NSW and the Engineers Australia Sydney Division Water Engineering Panel proudly present the 2013 Darcy Lecture, with a presentation by Professor David L. Rudolph, a geological engineer in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Professor Rudolph  will be talking on the matter of managing Groundwater Beneath […]

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IAH-NSW : Young Professional Award 2013

Dearest IAH-NSW friends, We are delighted to announce our second round of Young Professional Award is now open for nominations. This year you can take initiative and nominate yourself! So what are you waiting for? If you are a young professional in the field of hydrogeology and meet the Criteria for nomination, lay your fingers on […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter/Regional Meeting: Guidance for Groundwater Storage Utilisation

Dear friends, it’s time for our regional meeting 2013. This year Wagga is where we’ll gather to attend a talk by Scott Lawson, Senior Hydrogeologist at Geoscience Australia. Hope to see you all on Tuesday 18th June 2013. for more information on the talk and the venue click here. […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter Elders Q&A Night

Dear IAH members and friends, The annual ‘Elders Q&A Night’ event will be held on Tuesday 4 June 2013. This year’s panellists are Peter Dundon, George Gates and Ross Best. They will share their experience and their life story with us. We will also present the Woolley award (our lifetime achievement award) to an experienced […]

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SEAWAT and the Salt Lake Benchmark Test

Dear IAH members, our next IAH-NSW technical talk is presented by Mr. David Garces on the 9th of April. David is a hydrogeologist/ groundwater modeler with more than 15 years of experience in various fields of water and groundwater engineering in Colombia, United States, Canada, and Australia. This particular talk goes back to the days […]

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Professor John Sharp; Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?

International  specialist Dr. John Sharp , Professor of Geology at University of Texas presented his talk on “Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?”  as NSW first technical talk of 2013.  His talk  expanded on the current laboratory and field techniques for characterisation of fractures and fracture networks in […]

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IAH NSW Technical Meeting-12th March

This is a reminder for the IAH NSW next talk by Dr Noel Merrick, on Tuesday, 12th March 2013, on the very current topic “How does aquifer interference policy affect groundwater assessments”.  The talk will provide simplified representation of the requirements for groundwater assessments in relation to NSW Aquifer Interference Policy (AIP).  A series of diagrams will be presented […]

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First Technical Talk of 2013 – NSW

Hello IAH-NSW members. We are starting the year with a  technical talk by visiting international  specialist Dr. John Sharp , Professor of Geology at University of Texas on the topic “Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?”. The talk will expand on the current laboratory and […]

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An Improved Time-Series Approach for Estimating Groundwater Recharge from Groundwater Level Fluctuations

Dr. Mark Cuthbert from National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) presented his work on  “an improved time-series approach for estimating groundwater recharge from groundwater level fluctuations” in an IAH-NSW technical meeting. It  received positive feedback and can be viewed here. […]

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Coal Seam Gas –The Real Water Management Issues Here in NSW

John Ross graduated from the University of NSW in the mid 1970s with a degree in geology and has spent the last 35 years in hydrogeology. His career has spanned water resource, water policy, contaminated site and infrastructure projects both nationally and overseas in Asia. He has worked for the NSW Government, several environmental consultancies […]

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Call for abstracts: 2013 IAH Congress

The 40th International Congress of the IAH will be hosted in Perth between 15 and 20 September, 2013. Themed ‘Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century’, the 2013 Congress will provide a showcase for the international groundwater industry. Globally, the groundwater industry will face substantial challenges this century. These issues need solutions and in many […]

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