Registration Open! – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources – IAH Western Australia Annual Seminar

  It is with great pleasure that we announce the early-bird registrations for the 2015 Seminar – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources are now open!!! This seminar will be held on June, 8-9 at the Parmelia Hilton in the Perth CBD. Program, more information and registration details can be found at Co-convened by […]

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Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014 – Newcastle

The Geological Society of Australia presents the Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2014. AESC 2014 will be held in Newcastle, based around the themes of energy, basin geology, geodynam­ics, resources the environment, the geological record of life, and the role of the Earth Sciences in the community. Dedicated symposia include the 39th Symposium on the Advances in […]

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WA 2012 AGM and Student Night

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — time for the National and Western Australian chapter’s annual general meeting and student night.  Come along and devour a delicious free meal, learn about what’s been going on last year and prospects for 2013, vote for next year’s officers, and be entertained and educated by research […]

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34th International Geological Congress (IGC): AUSTRALIA 2012

The Australian Geoscience Council invites you to the 34th Session of the International Geological Congress (IGC), in Brisbane,  in August 2012 for what promises to be an intellectually stimulating and socially memorable Congress. The IGC was first held in 1878, and the Oceania region has only hosted the event once in its prestigious history. High level political and scientific […]

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IMWA Annual Conference 2012

Mining intensity and scale is on the increase worldwide. Water shortages resulting from climate change, pollution and increased demand, mean that understanding and managing waters in and around mining activity has never been so vital to environment and society. You are invited to attend the International Mine Water Association’s (IMWA) 2012 conference in one of […]

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