IAH NSW Meeting 14 May 2019: Dr Hamid Roshan (UNSW)

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2019 features a talk by Dr Hamid Roshan, Senior Lecturer at the UNSW School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering. Physics-based measurement of formation permeability using widely available downhole logging data Formation permeability is of fundamental importance in many engineering disciplines […]

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Call for IAH members’ input into MDBA submission

The Murray Darling Basin Commission (MDBA) has released a discussion paper regarding climate change and the Murray–Darling Basin Plan (mdba.gov.au/publications/mdba-reports/climate-change-murray-darling-basin-plan-discussion-paper).The discussion paper outlines projected climate change impacts, including increases in the intensity of extreme rainfall, time in drought and frequency of severe drought. It also provides examples of potential responses, including changing the type, distribution […]

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IAH NSW Introductory course on Python for groundwater science: 5 December 2018

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that Dr Stuart Brown will be presenting a short course on Python for groundwater science on Wednesday 5 December. Dr Stuart Brown is a consultant hydrogeologist with HGEO Pty Ltd in Sydney. He has over 25 years’ experience in consulting and research for mining, infrastructure and agriculture projects. Over […]

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IAH NSW Regional Meeting and IAH/DPI Field Trip: 13 and 14 November 2018

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that this year’s regional meeting will be held in Mildura, with the following proposed itinerary: Tuesday 13 November 5.30pm:  Presentation by Asitha Katupitiya (Director – Water Quality and Salinity Management MDBA) on the Basin Salinity Management Strategy. Wednesday 14 November morning: Field trip to the Salt Interception Schemes (SIS) that […]

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Early Career Coolest Paper award

On behalf of the Early Career Hydrogeologists’ Network (ECHN) of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) we would like to announce the new edition of the IAH-ECHN ‘Coolest Paper’ of the Year Award! The purpose of the competition is to engage the early career hydrogeology community and encourage discussion of new and exciting hydrogeology research. […]

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IAHWA – June Technical Presentation

Transformation of Geophysical properties into Hydrogeological and Engineering parameters The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) is hosting Geoff Pettifer from GDH  (also an IAHWA member) for a technical presentation with all IAH members welcome to attend. When: Thursday 18 June 2015, 5:30 for 6pm start Where: City West Function Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth Registration: Free for IAH members. Please register by Midnight 16th […]

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Registration Open! – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources – IAH Western Australia Annual Seminar

  It is with great pleasure that we announce the early-bird registrations for the 2015 Seminar – Water Management for Shale and Tight Gas Resources are now open!!! This seminar will be held on June, 8-9 at the Parmelia Hilton in the Perth CBD. Program, more information and registration details can be found at https://www.iah.org.au/events/watershale2015/ Co-convened by […]

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2015 Darcy Lecture in Victoria – What Happens in the Pore, No Longer Stays in the Pore: Opportunities Limitations for Porous Media Characterisation and Process Quantification Using X-ray Tomography

Abstract: During this presentation, you will receive an overview of the current state of imaging of porous media systems—and processes taking place within them—using x-ray tomography, a technique that allows for three-dimensional observation and measurement of variables internal to an otherwise opaque object. Gain insight on how x-ray tomography has advanced to the point where […]

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IAH/AIG 2014 Fieldtrip: Ballarat Area

AIG and IAH invite you to attend this year’s joint field trip to be held on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th November 2014. The trip will examine aspects of the hydrogeology, geology and mine and municipal water management in the Ballarat area. There will be a combination of all four topics on each day and […]

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IAH-NSW McEllhiney Lecture, 2014:Groundwater spreadsheets

IAH-NSW members and friends, Join us on Tuesday 13th May for an immensely practical and educational McEllhiney Lecture. Carlos Molano will show how one can use spreadsheets to solve a wide range of groundwater problems without programing or complex mathematics. Please not that due to an expected higher number of audience for this lecture,  AECOM […]

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2014 NCGRT Distinguished Lecturer Series

Professor Derek Eamus: Groundwater-dependent ecosystems: key questions, new methods and a response curve Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are a valuable resource, having economic, biological, conservation, ecosystem services and aesthetic values.  However, global-change type droughts and associated woodland and forest mortality represents a new threat to both groundwater resources and GDEs. Three challenges are faced by resource […]

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IAH 2014 Inaugural Presentation: Hydrogeological constraints on remediation of contaminants

Jeff Paul has almost 40 years of professional experience in the field of environmental remediation. Specialising in non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) he has directed, performed, reviewed and optimised site closure remediation projects in over 60 countries – including a number in the Australasian region. A certified Geologist with an honours degree in Geology from the […]

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WA chapter monthly talk : Airborne EM for Hydrogeology in the Perth Basin

Wednesday 19 February 2014 5:30 socialising, 6:00 pm program start The Melbourne Hotel, corner of Hay and Milligan Streets The Western Australian Chapter is proud to announce the first monthly talk on Airborn EM for Hydrogeology in the Perth Basin, by Nathan Tabain. ABSTRACT   The city of Perth, Western Australia is likely to face an […]

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The use and abuse of the precautionary principle

The NSW Protection of the Environment Administration Act (PEAA) 1991, provides the following definition of the Precautionary Principle (PP): “If there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reasoning for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation.” The PP is routinely applied in Groundwater […]

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McEllhiney Lecture – Keeping the Pump Primed: Aquifer Sustainability

How will your groundwater resources fare in the future and how will that affect your business? How can we ensure the sustainability of our aquifers through sound science? How should groundwater contractors and scientists confront economic and political challenges affecting the resource that is pivotal to the success of their businesses? How is “sustainability” defined […]

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High resolution seismic for gold and base metal exploration

The WA Branch of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists is hosting a CHANGED Tech Night presented by Greg Turner of HiSeis. When: Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 Time: Registration from 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start Where: City West Function Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth Cost: ASEG/SEG/IAH Members FREE Non Members $30.00 Registration: Click here […]

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NCGRT/IAH Groundwater Modellers Forum #2 – Adelaide

This series is an opportunity for Adelaide’s groundwater modellers to come together and discuss a host of issues relevant to consultancies, agencies and researchers. BEYOND  MODFLOW? This forum will present examples of modelling applications using a variety of different modelling software packages. Three modellers will each give a 15 minute presentation giving examples of how […]

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Derived Products from AEM surveys

Postponed! and Replaced with a new talk by Greg Turner of HiSeis: High resolution seismic for gold and base metal exploration The WA Branch of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists is hosting a Tech Night presented by Professor Niels Christensen of Aarhus University, Denmark.   Abstract The physical parameter found from interpreting AEM surveys, the distribution of […]

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Future Advances in Groundwater Modelling — FEFLOW 6.2 Sneak Preview

June 13 2013, 5:30 pm Melbourne Hotel, corner of Hay and Milligan Streets Join IAH and DHI for socializing and a technical talk. Fabien Cornaton will introduce the beta-version of FEFLOW 6.2, giving an overview of the many new features to be implemented in the next release of FEFLOW and providing a roadmap for future […]

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Professor John Sharp; Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?

International  specialist Dr. John Sharp , Professor of Geology at University of Texas presented his talk on “Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?”  as NSW first technical talk of 2013.  His talk  expanded on the current laboratory and field techniques for characterisation of fractures and fracture networks in […]

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Landfill gas effects on groundwater

In the United States, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are commonly monitored at landfill sites because they are indicators of impacts on groundwater .  Groundwater impacts at landfills can result from waste in contact with water (leachate), infiltration of water through waste into groundwater (leachate); or landfill gas migration followed by contact with groundwater.  Because both […]

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First Technical Talk of 2013 – NSW

Hello IAH-NSW members. We are starting the year with a  technical talk by visiting international  specialist Dr. John Sharp , Professor of Geology at University of Texas on the topic “Prediction of fracture roughness aperture, and other hydraulic properties: Is upscaling of flow and transport possible?”. The talk will expand on the current laboratory and […]

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Mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide in basalt: a pre-injection overview of the CarbFix project

This entry is a cross-post for the Geological Society of Australia.  The talk is likely to be of great interest to hydrogeologists! The GSA-WA Division is hosting a talk on 7 November 2012 at the Irish Club of WA, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco.  The speaker will be Domenik Wolff-Boenisch  from Curtin University, and he will be […]

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New Australian groundwater modelling guidelines

In a subject near to my heart, new Australian groundwater modelling guidelines have been released.  They were prepared by Sinclair Knight Merz and a committee from the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training — most of the committee are IAH members. The Waterlines report comments: “[The guidelines] highlight the development of updated guidelines that […]

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Sustainability of groundwater usage in northern China – insights from hydrogeochemistry

Northern China is one of the most densely populated and agriculturally productive regions of the world, but also one of its driest and most water-stressed. The productivity of this region and the livelihoods of its people over recent decades have been critically dependent upon high rates of groundwater extraction from a range of major aquifer […]

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Geostatistics and water table mapping/time series analysis

This presentation will detail two new statistical tools for shallow hydrogeology, both of which will soon be freely available. The first tool is for time-series modelling of unconfined groundwater hydrographs. It allows the decomposition of a hydrograph to individual drivers, such as pumping and climate, under non-stationary climate conditions while also providing insights into observed […]

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