IAH NSW Meeting 14 May 2019: Dr Hamid Roshan (UNSW)

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2019 features a talk by Dr Hamid Roshan, Senior Lecturer at the UNSW School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering. Physics-based measurement of formation permeability using widely available downhole logging data Formation permeability is of fundamental importance in many engineering disciplines […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 9 April 2019: Brendan Dimech and Dr Andrew Frost (Bureau of Meteorology)

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting on Tuesday 9 April 2019 features talks by Brendan Dimech and Dr Andrew Frost (Bureau of Meteorology). A presentation on Bureau of Meteorology’s suite of national groundwater products – Brendan Dimech Brendan is a Hydrogeologist at the Groundwater Unit with the Bureau of Meteorology. He will […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 12 March 2019: Dr John Bradd

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr John Bradd, Principal Hydrogeologist at GHD. He will discuss some key observations and developments in hydrogeology throughout his 30 year career and the influences that have shaped his personal journey to where he is today. Venue: WSP office Level 27, 680 George […]

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IAH NSW Meeting and AGM 12 February 2019: Dr Richard Evans

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr Richard Evans, Principal Hydrogeologist at Jacobs, entitled Hydrogeological basics and lessons learnt from tunneling in Australia. Please click here for the event flyer. AGM and Committee appointments The NSW and Federal IAH AGM is taking place prior to the talk from […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 27 November 2018: Dr Jennifer Stauber, NCGRT Distinguished Lecture Series

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features the 2018 NCGRT Distinguished Lecture Series talk by Dr Jennifer Stauber, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO Land & Water, entitled Groundwater Quality: An Ecotoxicology Perspective. Dr Stauber is a Chief Research Scientist at the Centre for Environmental Contaminants Research, CSIRO Land and Water in Sydney […]

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IAH NSW Regional Meeting and IAH/DPI Field Trip: 13 and 14 November 2018

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that this year’s regional meeting will be held in Mildura, with the following proposed itinerary: Tuesday 13 November 5.30pm:  Presentation by Asitha Katupitiya (Director – Water Quality and Salinity Management MDBA) on the Basin Salinity Management Strategy. Wednesday 14 November morning: Field trip to the Salt Interception Schemes (SIS) that […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 9 October 2018: Student Night

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting is our annual student night, featuring the following talks: Joshua Yu, UNSW: Mechanisms affecting PFAS migration under groundwater – surface water interactions. Emily Barber, UoW: Crossing Three Deep Valleys: The Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Palaeo-environments of Thirlmere Lakes, NSW.  Venue: WSP office Level 27, 680 George Street, Sydney Time: […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 30 July 2018: Todd Halihan

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Todd Halihan, Professor of Geology at Oklahoma State University and Chief Technical Officer for Aestus LLC, entitled Electrical Hydrogeology: A Picture Is Worth 1000 Wells. Todd Halihan has been an associate editor for Groundwater and has served as Secretary-Treasurer of the […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 12 June 2018: Ross Best

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Ross Best, a Senior Principal and the Head of Practice – Geotechnical Australia and New Zealand of Coffey Services Australia. Ross has been based in Sydney for the bulk of his career and has provided groundwater advice on a wide range […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 21 May 2018: 2018 Darcy Lecture, Professor Masaki Hayashi

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features the 2018 Darcy Lecture by Professor Masaki Hayashi, Professor in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Calgary. Please click here for more information on the NGWA Darcy Lecture and Professor Masaki Hayashi. Please click here for the detailed description and event flyer. Venue: WSP […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 10 April 2018: Dr Grant Ferguson

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr Grant Ferguson, Associate Professor of Geological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan. Grant Ferguson completed a B.Sc. in geology at the University of Waterloo in 2000 and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the University Manitoba in 2004. He held a faculty […]

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IAH NSW Meeting 13 March 2018: Dr Wendy Timms

IAH NSW is pleased to announce that our next meeting features a talk by Dr Wendy Timms, UNSW School of Mining Engineering and Connected Waters Initiative. Please click here for the detailed description and event flyer. Venue: WSP office. Level 27, 680 George Street, Sydney Time: 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start […]

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IAHWA – June Technical Presentation

Transformation of Geophysical properties into Hydrogeological and Engineering parameters The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) is hosting Geoff Pettifer from GDH  (also an IAHWA member) for a technical presentation with all IAH members welcome to attend. When: Thursday 18 June 2015, 5:30 for 6pm start Where: City West Function Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth Registration: Free for IAH members. Please register by Midnight 16th […]

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IAHWA – May Technical Presentation – Hydrogeology of the West Canning Basin

Influence of Conceptual Model Uncertainty on Recharge Processes for the Wallal Aquifer System in the West Canning Basin When                   20th May 2015, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Where                  Fortescue Centre, Level 3/87 Adelaide Tce, East Perth WA. Fellowship 5:30-6pm (Plain Street Bar). Presentation upstairs from 6pm. IAH Western Australia is pleased to host Jon Hanna who will […]

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2015 Darcy Lecture in Victoria – What Happens in the Pore, No Longer Stays in the Pore: Opportunities Limitations for Porous Media Characterisation and Process Quantification Using X-ray Tomography

Abstract: During this presentation, you will receive an overview of the current state of imaging of porous media systems—and processes taking place within them—using x-ray tomography, a technique that allows for three-dimensional observation and measurement of variables internal to an otherwise opaque object. Gain insight on how x-ray tomography has advanced to the point where […]

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Victorian IAH Branch December Presentation and Christmas Function

  Salinity in the Murray-Darling Basin: mirage or sleeping dragon? Abstract The salinity threat posed to land and water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin was at the forefront of water policy and management initiatives throughout much of the second half of the 20th Century.  In response to the salinity threat, monitoring and works programs have […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter: Braddon Site Remediation

Dear IAH friends, Our next and last technical talk for this calendar year will be by Dino Parisotto director of Earth2Water to be presented on 12 November 2013. With over 20 years experience in contaminated land investigations, assessment, management and remediation, Dino will discuss the works undertaken and the outcomes achieved at the former service station […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter 2013 Darcy Lecture

Dear IAH friends, IAH NSW and the Engineers Australia Sydney Division Water Engineering Panel proudly present the 2013 Darcy Lecture, with a presentation by Professor David L. Rudolph, a geological engineer in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Professor Rudolph  will be talking on the matter of managing Groundwater Beneath […]

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The use and abuse of the precautionary principle

The NSW Protection of the Environment Administration Act (PEAA) 1991, provides the following definition of the Precautionary Principle (PP): “If there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reasoning for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation.” The PP is routinely applied in Groundwater […]

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McEllhiney Lecture – Keeping the Pump Primed: Aquifer Sustainability

How will your groundwater resources fare in the future and how will that affect your business? How can we ensure the sustainability of our aquifers through sound science? How should groundwater contractors and scientists confront economic and political challenges affecting the resource that is pivotal to the success of their businesses? How is “sustainability” defined […]

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High resolution seismic for gold and base metal exploration

The WA Branch of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists is hosting a CHANGED Tech Night presented by Greg Turner of HiSeis. When: Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 Time: Registration from 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start Where: City West Function Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth Cost: ASEG/SEG/IAH Members FREE Non Members $30.00 Registration: Click here […]

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Future Advances in Groundwater Modelling — FEFLOW 6.2 Sneak Preview

June 13 2013, 5:30 pm Melbourne Hotel, corner of Hay and Milligan Streets Join IAH and DHI for socializing and a technical talk. Fabien Cornaton will introduce the beta-version of FEFLOW 6.2, giving an overview of the many new features to be implemented in the next release of FEFLOW and providing a roadmap for future […]

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IAH-NSW Chapter Elders Q&A Night

Dear IAH members and friends, The annual ‘Elders Q&A Night’ event will be held on Tuesday 4 June 2013. This year’s panellists are Peter Dundon, George Gates and Ross Best. They will share their experience and their life story with us. We will also present the Woolley award (our lifetime achievement award) to an experienced […]

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Geothermal Prospecting in the Perth Basin

This technical seminar will discuss how hydrogeologists can initiate and encourage geothermal projects. The presentation will focus on Hot Sedimentary Aquifers and how they can be utilised for heating and cooling projects. Favourable geothermal conditions in Western Australia and the Perth region will be outlined. A case study of the recently completed Beatty Park Leisure […]

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Recharging potable aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin using treated coal seam gas water

Santos GLNG Project is a pioneering project to convert coal seam gas (CSG) to liquefied natural gas for export to global markets, representing a major investment in a cleaner energy source for the future. Santos GLNG Project sources gas from Santos’ gas fields in the Bowen and Surat Basins in Queensland. During the Santos GLNG […]

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SEAWAT and the Salt Lake Benchmark Test

Dear IAH members, our next IAH-NSW technical talk is presented by Mr. David Garces on the 9th of April. David is a hydrogeologist/ groundwater modeler with more than 15 years of experience in various fields of water and groundwater engineering in Colombia, United States, Canada, and Australia. This particular talk goes back to the days […]

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Landfill gas effects on groundwater

In the United States, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are commonly monitored at landfill sites because they are indicators of impacts on groundwater .  Groundwater impacts at landfills can result from waste in contact with water (leachate), infiltration of water through waste into groundwater (leachate); or landfill gas migration followed by contact with groundwater.  Because both […]

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Fault Seal Analyses – Common practices, a recent research and a case study

Bozkurt Ciftci from the CSIRO will present a free evening lecture on fault seals. This event is jointly sponsored by IAH and The Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA). Date and Time: Thursday, 7 March 2013 5.30pm – 7.30pm (drinks and nibbles from 5.30pm – talk starts at 6.00pm) […]

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Groundwater Modelling Techniques in Geothermal Areas: Expanding Model Capabilities through Customization

 The WA Branch will hold its first technical meeting of 2013 on Wednesday 20 February at the Balmoral Hotel, 901 Albany Highway, Victoria Park WA.  The event will start at 5:30 pm with networking/socialising; the talk will begin at 6:00 pm. […]

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An Improved Time-Series Approach for Estimating Groundwater Recharge from Groundwater Level Fluctuations

Dr. Mark Cuthbert from National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training (NCGRT) presented his work on  “an improved time-series approach for estimating groundwater recharge from groundwater level fluctuations” in an IAH-NSW technical meeting. It  received positive feedback and can be viewed here. […]

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IAH Victorian Chapter Christmas Party and Progress of the Murray Darling Basin Plan – Victoria’s Perspective Presentation

The Murray Darling Basin Plan will see the biggest changes to water management in the Basin since Federation. The Basin Plan aims to deliver a “healthy working basin” in which “the natural ecosystem has been altered by the use of water for human benefit, but in which the altered system retains its ecological integrity while […]

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Mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide in basalt: a pre-injection overview of the CarbFix project

This entry is a cross-post for the Geological Society of Australia.  The talk is likely to be of great interest to hydrogeologists! The GSA-WA Division is hosting a talk on 7 November 2012 at the Irish Club of WA, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco.  The speaker will be Domenik Wolff-Boenisch  from Curtin University, and he will be […]

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Groundwater investigations in palaeovalleys in WA – implications for the mining industry and the environment

The IAH invite all members to attend a jointly sponsored (AIG, GSA, ASEG, AusIMM and IAH) presentation of findings of investigations in to unravelling the hidden groundwater resources of the Paterson and Murchison provinces of Western Australia. Pauline English of Geoscience Australia will discuss the application of diverse techniques including  gravity, AEM, radiometrics, topographic models, […]

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Groundwater investigations in palaeovalleys in WA – implications for the mining industry and the environment

The IAH invite all members to attend a jointly sponsored (AIG, GSA, ASEG, AusIMM and IAH) presentation of findings of investigations in to unravelling the hidden groundwater resources of the Paterson and Murchison provinces of Western Australia. Pauline English of Geoscience Australia will discuss the application of diverse techniques including  gravity, AEM, radiometrics, topographic models, drilling, bore installation and water […]

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Coal Seam Gas –The Real Water Management Issues Here in NSW

John Ross graduated from the University of NSW in the mid 1970s with a degree in geology and has spent the last 35 years in hydrogeology. His career has spanned water resource, water policy, contaminated site and infrastructure projects both nationally and overseas in Asia. He has worked for the NSW Government, several environmental consultancies […]

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Call for abstracts: 2013 IAH Congress

The 40th International Congress of the IAH will be hosted in Perth between 15 and 20 September, 2013. Themed ‘Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21st Century’, the 2013 Congress will provide a showcase for the international groundwater industry. Globally, the groundwater industry will face substantial challenges this century. These issues need solutions and in many […]

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Centrifugal multi-stage pumps for harsh downhole environments

The IAH invite all members and interested parties to attend a presentation designed to provide a high level introduction to  centrifugal pumping technologies, detailing a number of specific case studies where deployment of such systems in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea has provided enhanced performance, improved reliability and extended runlife in some of the most challenging […]

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Groundwater Issues Associated with Coal Seam Gas Development

A forum exploring groundwater issues associated with CSG development and ways that they can be managed. Tuesday 21 August 2012 5.30pm meet and greet for 6pm start (refreshments provided) Fritz Loewe Theatre, University of Melbourne, cnr Swanston and Elgin St, Carlton Coal Seam Gas developments involve the drilling and installation of numerous wells and extraction […]

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Sustainability of groundwater usage in northern China – insights from hydrogeochemistry

Northern China is one of the most densely populated and agriculturally productive regions of the world, but also one of its driest and most water-stressed. The productivity of this region and the livelihoods of its people over recent decades have been critically dependent upon high rates of groundwater extraction from a range of major aquifer […]

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Groundwater catchment characterisation; Bundaberg integrated hydrogeology/ hydrogeophysics investigation

The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics together with the IAH invite all members to attend a presentation of the findings from a catchment characterisation investigation into the Bundaberg Irrigation Area. More specifically, Geoff Pettifer will discuss how well can we characterise an alluvial / lacustrine / coastal aeolian groundwater system by a fully integrated hydrogeology and geophysics effort. […]

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Something Old, Something New; Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia

The Australia Drilling Industry Association (ADIA), together with the IAH invite all members to attend “Something Old, Something New”, the launching of the 3rd edition of “Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia” released in February this year. Central to the focus of the guideline was to establish minimum requirements for constructing, maintaining, rehabilitating, and decommissioning water bores in […]

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NT Branch Seminar: Groundwater development and management in northern Australia

Groundwater is the principal water supply source for most enterprises across Northern Australia. Towns, remote communities, mines and irrigation enterprises obtain the majority of their water supplies from groundwater. Ensuring that groundwater development in Northern Australia meets its developmental needs, while not adversely impacting on the environment dependent on these groundwater resources, is a major […]

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Reconciling geochemical and physical tracers of groundwater-stream interactions

Calculations of groundwater inflows to streams, assuming that groundwater and surface runoff are the two major reservoirs, using environmental tracers (e.g., Cl or Rn) and physical techniques based on analysing stream hydrographs commonly yield different results. In general, geochemical techniques produce lower estimates of baseflow than physical techniques and, even within the suite of geochemical […]

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Gascoyne River Alluvial Aquifer; Groundwater Management and Tools

The horticultural industry has been operating adjacent to the Gascoyne River dating back to the late 1920’s. Harvested produce from the region is diverse, ranging from bananas, mangoes and avocados through to  tomatoes and  grapes. The Carnarvon Horticultural Area is heavily reliant upon the Gascoyne River alluvial aquifer for much of its irrigation needs. The aquifer is also utilised for town […]

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Groundwater Regulation and Mining in Victoria

Once a mineral resource has been identified considerations turn to technical constraints, economic feasibility and environmental and regulatory approvals to advance the project. Extractive industries often encounter groundwater as one of the significant issues that need to be addressed due to technical, environmental and regulatory reasons. Over the last 10 years there has been a […]

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39th IAH Congress: 16-21 September, 2012

The Canadian National Chapter of IAH is pleased to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formation of the International Association of Hydrogeologists in Canada by hosting the 39th IAH Congress in Niagara Falls between 16 and 21 September, 2012. The Congress will see the world’s hydrogeological community come together to discuss a wide variety of […]

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Artificial groundwater tracing in conceptualising groundwater systems

Presented by Hamid R. Jahani, Senior Hydrogeologist, Department of Water Artificial groundwater tracing is one of the best available methods to directly determine the inter-connectivity of water resources. However, a number of different factors, as well as environmental issues, should be considered in designing a groundwater tracing test. In spite of the demonstrated ability of […]

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