International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia

Groundwater Assessment of the Glendalough Aquifers

IAH Queensland is pleased to present the technical talk for June 2022 by Tariq Laatoe. This will be hosted as an online meeting. Please use the Teams link below to access this talk.


Tariq completed a PhD in groundwater modelling with the NCGRT in 2016 and presently works as a senior groundwater modeller for Innovative Groundwater Solutions in Adelaide, South Australia. He has a keen interest in adopting the latest numerical and statistical modelling methods aiming to narrow the gap between research and industry best practice. Consequently, all his work in the last three years has focused heavily on risk and uncertainty with application in mining, irrigation, and water resources investigations at various locations around Australia.


The North Queensland Water Infrastructure Authority (NQWIA) sought a defensible and independent evaluation of the sustainable extraction limit for the shallow alluvial aquifers at Glendalough Station, near Hughenden, Qld. Very little was known about the resource and limited data were available to understand the scale of potential development.  A combination of predominantly geophysical field work in conjunction with local expertise provided strong evidence for groundwater flow dominated by connected permeability through gravelly-sand channels in an otherwise clay rich aquifer. This prompted development of a numerical assessment featuring multi-point geostatistics and rejection sampling of scripted MODFLOW-6 models that were also configured to test different system conceptualizations. The adopted approach aimed to acquire new, and synthesize existing data, while ensuring that all provided maximum benefit to estimating the likely range of sustainable extraction.

Online: IAH June Technical Talk – Online Link

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