Examples of Geophysics Applied to Hydrogeology
Presented by: Ian Unsworth
Bio: Ian has more than 35 years of geoscience experience (principally in geophysics and hydrogeology). He is a Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society of London. He started his career in the oilfield seismic and borehole geophysics industry. Moving from there early on into near surface applications – groundwater, geotechnical site investigations and environment. In the last 20 years, he has been acting more in the role of hydrogeologist and has a master’s degree in the subject. He has worldwide experience, principally in the Middle East, Western Europe and Australia.
Abstract: There is a perception (amongst some) that geophysics does not work, is too complex, not cost effective or simply something that can be done without. This presentation will show some examples of geophysics (both surface and borehole) successfully applied to hydrogeology / groundwater investigations. They are all from projects that Ian has been directly involved in. The examples will show that, if used correctly, geophysics can be highly cost effective and very useful. And in some cases, a necessity. However, the methods need to be applied properly (with limitations understood by all) and presentation is important to properly understand the results. And just because the results are pretty, does not necessarily mean they are correct. The examples will cover the use of geophysics to:
- Locate successful supply bores.
- Indicate vertical flow in a bore water column.
- Locate inflow zones for correct bore design.
- Audit existing bores.
- Locate contaminants.
As well as showing the usefulness of geophysics, the presentation also hopes to raise some questions.