Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) involves recharging an aquifer under controlled conditions and incorporates various approaches including water injection through wells into unconfined, semi-confined and confined aquifers using gravity or pressure systems, as well as infiltration of water from basins and trenches into unconfined aquifers. MAR is an increasingly important tool for mine water management both in terms of disposing of surplus water and storing water for later recovery and use. MAR is increasingly also being used as a means to mitigating environmental impacts related to mine operation and closure.
Inspired by feedback received from our members, IAH WA has been busy pulling together a “Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in Mining” day seminar with the aim to aligning the WA mining industry, consultants and regulators with a unified understanding of existing MAR operations/challenges, current approvals processes and Traditional Owner engagement.
We have gathered an expert team from across the state to provide a forum for sharing with you their vast knowledge and experiences with large scale MAR schemes within Australia and overseas. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear about technical and regulatory successes and lessons learnt from nearly two decades of operations in the Pilbara as well as other major MAR projects. Please refer to the event schedule for further details around presenters and presentation highlights.
IAH would like to acknowledge the significant contributions from Doug Brown (Darkwater Consulting) and Karen Johnston (Managed Recharge) in pulling together this event.
*******Note this is an in-person event only*******
Date: Thursday 26 October 2023
Time: 8:30 am to 5 pm
Cost: $85 per person.
Cost includes full day access to seminar, meals and refreshments and entry to Sundowner networking event.
Venue: The University Club of Western Australia
UWA Entrance 1, Hackett Drive, Crawley WA 6009
Time: 5 pm to 7 pm
Matilda Bay Restaurant, 3 Hackett Drive, Crawley WA 6009
** Please purchase ticket(s) prior to 17th October so we can inform the venues of catering requirements **
Event Organiser: IAH Western Australia
Sponsorship and display space:
With the help of our existing sponsors, IAH WA is heavily subsidizing ticket prices to enable as many people as possible to attend. To help cover event costs we are seeking Expressions of Interest for sponsorship of the key networking components of the day, with the following prices:
- Morning tea – $750
- Afternoon tea – $750
- Lunch – $2,000
- 2hr Sundowner @ Matilda Bay Restaurant – $5,000
As well as recognition during the event, each sponsorship option will include a display table in our networking/meal serving area which can be manned or unmanned providing a focus point for presenting company information and facilitating discussions.
Display table only – we have 5 additional display tables (separate to sponsorship packages) available at $250 each.
Sponsorship and tables are available on a first come basis, please contact Cassie to secure your place.