International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia


A reflection of 30 years of searching for and managing this important groundwater resource

Seth will be talking about his experience in the exploration and managing of groundwater resources associated with palaeochannel aquifers in Western Australia. It is aimed at junior to intermediate hydrogeologists to highlight an interesting aquifer system that can be very frustrating to locate but has supported the mining industry in the Goldfields for the past 30 years. The talk will provide a history of palaeochannels in Western Australia, key references and the longevity of this important groundwater resource that is positioned in the most arid parts of the State.

Speaker bio

Seth Johnson is a geologist who moved into hydrogeology more than 30 years ago. After starting in gold mining and diamond exploration, he spent 15 years in Government responsible for supervising many the State’s most significant groundwater resource assessments and investigations, including the Central Pilbara Groundwater Study, Mine Voids in Western Australia, palaeochannel investigation in the Northern Goldfields, as well as regional groundwater assessments in the Midwest, Kimberley and Southern Cross mineral provinces. He had his own groundwater consultancy, HydroConcept Pty Ltd for ten years before moving into BHP to work on surplus water management in WAIO, and managing the existing and development of new borefields at Nickel West.

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