Letter from Hon Bill Marmion regarding WA 2012-13 State Budget

The attached letter outlines key initiatives within the portfolios of environment and water in the 2012-2013 WA State Budget.  The letter has been provided by the Hon. Bill marmion MLA.  Note in particular the details on the groundwater replenishment scheme. Minister for Environment Water 2012-13 State Budget […]

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Licensing exemption for monitoring wells

A modified approach to licensing requirements for monitoring wells (bores) will reduce administrative red tape, lower costs and support industry and development in Western Australia. Under existing legislation, the construction and/or alteration of all monitoring wells must be licensed, however, the legislation also allows for the Governor to make an exemption from the licensing requirements. […]

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Gascoyne River Alluvial Aquifer; Groundwater Management and Tools

The horticultural industry has been operating adjacent to the Gascoyne River dating back to the late 1920’s. Harvested produce from the region is diverse, ranging from bananas, mangoes and avocados through to  tomatoes and  grapes. The Carnarvon Horticultural Area is heavily reliant upon the Gascoyne River alluvial aquifer for much of its irrigation needs. The aquifer is also utilised for town […]

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